The Mirror

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Chapter 20

I was walking around and I noticed a closet that I haven't seen before. When I opened it I saw a shiny mirror and I walked closer to it. I touched it and my hoof went through and then my whole body went through. I started to spin around and I popped out of this thing. Then I saw this girl who looked a lot like Flutter Shy. Hello little girl what's your name Flutter Shy said. My name is Twila Flutter Shy. That sounds a lot like my friend Twilights name. You know my mom!!! I squealed. Twilights your mother. Yep and I'm a Princess. Here I'll take you to all of my friends. Okay. I followed her until we got this place that had food in it. Why howdy Flutter Shy A.J. said. Hi AppleJack this is Twilights daughter Twila. They all spit out there drinks and said "daughter". Yea her daughter why is everyone spitting out there drinks I said. Because we didn't know Twilight had a daughter Rarity said. You mean my mom didn't tell you. No darling neither did Flash. Well you guys have kids to and Rainbow Dashes is my best friend. Is it a girl or boy and what's it's name Rainbow asked. It's a boy and his names Lightning Dash. Cool I wish I could meet him. I'm sorry Rainbow but I don't think you can I said with a frown looking face. What's all the big commotion? Someone said behind me. I turned around and I saw a guy that looked like my dad so I just had to jump all over him. Daddy!!! I screamed. Why did she just call me dad? because you're her father everyone said together. But I don't have a daughter. He looked down into my eyes and he looked at my hair and skin color. Wait she looks like me and Twilight mixed. Duh you're her father but mostly in the other world since you know. Well it's nice to meet you what's you're name? He asked. My name is Twila mom picked it out. What a beautiful name Twila. That's what dad said when I was born well that's what mom said. How did you get here? I went through a mirror that I found and I came here. You should be at home with Twilight. I don't want to go back they're always to busy for me. Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt if you could stay a while. I started to walk around and I stopped in front of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Hi Princess Celestia and Luna. We're not Princesses we're Principals. Are you from that other world they asked. Yea I'm Twilights daughter. I knew you looked familiar now why don't you go play with the other kids. Okay I'll see you later Princess. I bumped into someone. Hello who are you he said. I'm Twila and you. Lightning Dash and it's nice to meet you. You to, wait Lightning Dash. I ran as fast as I could to Rainbow Dash.Rainbow Rainbow!!! I yelled. What is it Twila. Your son is here. Really how do you know. I bumped into him in the hallway go get him and bring him here. Rainbow Dash dashed as fast as she could. Only moments later she showed up with him. Let me go he said. Lightning calm down its me Twila. Twila why are you guys doing this. Drop him when I said that she dropped him. Now lightning I know this is going to sound weird but Rainbow Dash is your mother. That's silly I don't have one. No you do and it's her look into my eyes. He looked into them and I touched him. Something happened some kind of spark and he said something. Twila mom what are you doing here. Woa what happened. I'm sorry I've got to go. I ran to the big thing and jumped in. When I popped out I landed in the closet and there was a search party going around looking for me. Found her my dad said. Twila where did you go. Um I was at Sugar Cube Corner. We already checked there. Well I guess you didn't check hard enough. I ran upstairs to where my mom was and she was crying. Mom what's wrong? Twila you're okay. Of course I am mom but why didn't you tell me. Tell you about what? The mirror in the closet. Wait is that where you went. Yes but something happened when I touched Lightning Dash. How did Lightning get in there? He was here but he was there and when I touched him he remembered everything that happened here. Twila don't go back there. Why mom I told them I would be back and I told daddy to. You met Flash. Why what's wrong? He found out that you were his daughter. What's so bad about that? Flash still likes me so that means that he's going to want you to stay there with him. But I like him he's nice to me and treats me right. Twila he's your father there but your real father is here. But he treats me right. I know he does but the only reason why we don't spend that much time with you is because we work hard. I'm sorry mom but I'm going back.
Thanks for reading hope you like it so far and a shout out to everyone who voted and comments


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