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Cadences Pov

It was morning and I woke up and brushed my mane gently. I felt like vomiting so I trotted to the toilet. When I vomited I yelled for Shining. He took me to the hospital to see what was wrong with me. Shining was pacing back and forth because he was afraid. When I walked out I told him I was pregnant. His face looked shocked and he ran over there and rapped his hooves around me and hugged me. We kissed and we started walking back to the palace. On our way there I was looking at Shining and I saw that he was thinking something. Honey are you okay?. Yes I'm just thinking of how I'm going to tell Twilight. We'll do it together. Right when we got to the palace we nocked on Twilights door. She opened it and we were getting ready to tell her the big news. Twili Cadence is pregnant. Her face stood still and she paused. I was afraid and right when I put my hoof on her shoulder she became unpaused. IM GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE!!!!. She screamed it like 20 times and started hopping around us. cadence laughed while she was doing it. Then Spike came out. Why can't a dragon get some sleep at night. Twilight whispered in his ears and said Spike its 4:00 p.m.
He screamed and ran to Rarity's room. Whats he so jumpy about I said. I think he had plans with Rarity today Twilight said. Wait so there dating. No he's trying to get her to date him though that's why he's so busy everyday. I think I'm going to go back to my room Twilight bye. Shining was trotting by me and he was laughing like I was.
Twilights Pov

Flash Flash!!!! I screamed. He ran as fast as he could and said Whats wrong. I'm going to be an auntie I yelled. That's great Twilight but I really have to get back to my job. Don't you mean guarding me I said. Yes but I'm supposed to watch you and luckily you woke me up in time. How did I wake you up in time it's 4:30 right now. I'm in so much trouble. No your bit here it will be are secret. Pinkie promise he said. Pinkie Promise. (cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye) We fell to the floor and laughed and I ally Shining armor came. Whats this commotion he said. We just Pinkie Promised captain sir. Okay but if I hear anymore then I'm going to have to put you somewhere else. Didn't you here Cadence she said I would be her royal guard always and forever. Fine but don't do any lovey dovey stuff in my face okay. Fine and we started laughing again. Wow Twilight you still have my necklace on he said. Yes i'll always have it on you gave it to me and we hugged. Then he saw the other necklace. Is that what you got for defeating Chrysalis. Yea isn't it beautiful. Why does it say LSBFF on it. Because it stands for little sister best friend forever. and BBBFF Flash said. Big brother best friend forever how do you not know these. Well I didn't really know at all I mean when you first came here I didn't know you were Shinings sister. Wow you really don't know anything and we started laughing again. We took a stroll at the park and had a fun time. That's when we stopped at where we had out first date. What are we doing here Flash. Twilight will you marry me. YES!!! I screamed. I hopped into him and kissed him all over his face. I put the ring on my horn and covered it up with my mane so Shining couldn't see it. We walked inside and I went to my room while Flash wanted to tell Shining something. I heard a nock on the door and I opened it. May I help you I said then I noticed it was my brother. Yes Shining what do you need? Can I see it. See what? The ring can I see it. What ring. Then all of a sudden he pulled up my mane. Oh that ring hahaha. Wow Twili it's beautiful. Thanks BBBFF and I love you. Love you to Twili. We hugged each other but what we didn't know is that our necklaces had some magic in them that could make life grow and make everything fun. When we let go a piece of magic fell and a beautiful red rose grew. I picked it and I wondered how it got there. I studied it for a while and I went to Cadence and Shinings room. Shining I need to know something. The door opened and I walked in. What is it Twili he said. I need to see your necklace. He took it off and handed it to me. I took mine off and put the necklaces together. It shined brighter than Luna's moon and Celestias sun. Cadence couldn't believe what she saw. Go show Celestia Twilight she yelled. I ran as fast as I could until I got to the throne room. Celestia I need to show you something. Yes Princess Twilight what do you need. These necklaces there so powerful. She watched as they intertwined with each other and a big magical spark flew up into the air. In the name of me what was that. Its the spark Princess Celestia I think that when we defeated Chrysalis for the second time it gave us more magic. Princess Twilight may I keep it so I could see how it gets it's powers. Yes Celestia but please give them back as soon as you can. I will Twilight. When I was running I bumper into a stallion it was Flash. We still need to stop bumping into each other like this. We laughed and blushed and then he kissed me goodnight. Before I went to my room he told me something I went up to him and said what. Just so you no Twilight I will guard you forever and I would die for you. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. He came into my room and snuggled up next to me.
Thanks for reading and by the way could you please comment I want you to make me smile. Also comment what I should do for the next chapter if you do then i'll give you a shout out.

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