The big game

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Twilights Pov

I was in the other world and I went to the music room where my friends were practicing. How'd it go sugar cube?. Just fine he still thinks that this Flash is going to try to make fall in live with him but I told him that it wouldn't happen. Actually darling you are pretty into this Flash. What no I'm not I mean I know I met him first but it doesn't mean I like him like him. Actually you really like the one here I mean come on you spend most of your time with him Pinkie said bouncing. I'll show you tomorrow after the football game. Ok but if you do love him twilight why don't you show it Fluttershy said sadly. I do it's just that I spend so much time here that... I'm so sorry i'll tell him tomorrow how I feel ok. Ok they said all together.

It was time for the game and we went into the stage and sang one if the songs we did while defeating the sirens. we sang better than ever. After the song I said my good byes and went back to Canterlot. I walked through the hallway and by my room I saw Flash sitting and waiting for me. Hi Flash I've missed you a lot. I've missed you to where have you been. I told you I was singing at the football game. Oh yea well I want you to follow me. I said yes and he was taking me somewhere. Where are you taking me?. It's a surprise. we walked out and sat down at the gardens. What are we doing here Flash. I prepared this while you were gone and I thought it was romantic. It is I hugged him and we started to kiss. I pulled away but I just couldn't help myself but kiss him again. we sat down and ate then out of nowhere he gave me a box. What is this for I said. For you my princess. I opened the box and inside was this beautiful necklace and it said Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle Forever. I hugged him and i started crying. I love you so much and I didn't let go until I heard a voice behind me and I turned around. Whats going on here shining armor said angrily. We were just having a picnic. Sentry go inside I need to talk to my little sister. Yes captain and I watched him walk inside. Whats wrong Shining?. You and him he's the new guard. I know but Shining Armor I love him. Twili you can't go out with him. Why not he loves more than the earth itself I cried. Twilight he's new and you don't even know him. Yes I do I met him in the other world he's the sweetest kindest most loyal pony that I've ever met and you can't split us apart. Oh yes I can. He ran to the castle and I followed. Shining wait!!!! and when I went in Flash was gone. What did you do with him. He's not your official guard anymore he's watching over Luna now. Why? I said crying. Whats going on here Princess Cadence said. Shining... made... Flash... go... away. Why shining if she loves him you shouldn't do that. But honey she's my little sister. Yes but I've been watching them every step of the way I known that they've been going out. Why didn't you tell me? Because I knew you were going to this and I'm sorry but I have to do this Flash get down here please. Yes your highness he screamed. He ran down the stairs and by Cadence and you could tell he was crying to. I here by announce that you will always and forever be Twilights royal guard and you will watch her day and night. Yea ma'm he said. After he said that we ran up to each other and he rapped his wings around me and we hugged. I love you Twilight. I love you to Flash. we kissed and I went in my rooms and he followed me in there. But honey. No Shining I know that we are married but you can't treat your sister like this you have to respect her now go upstairs and tell her sorry. Okay Cadence. I went upstairs and nocked Twilight I'm sorry I did that again. It's okay just don't do that when me and Flash are apart I'm sad and he's sad. I know I love you little sis. I love you to BBBFF.



It was morning and I got out of bed and Flash was by me holding my hoof. I got up and went to brush my mane. When I went back to my room I saw Flash guarding it already. How... wha. Whats wrong princess. You were just asleep in there like not even 5 minutes ago. Guards wake up to you know?. I ran to him and gave him a hug and he hugged me right back. Flash was the only one for me and I knew it in my heart. I told Flash that I was going to my empire or shall I say castle and he wanted to come with me. Why do you want to come with me? Because I am your royal guard. Oh fine and we flew all the way there because it was faster than riding a train. When we finally got there I went to my library and grabbed a book. What are you reading? Flash said curiously. I'm not reading it I have to send letters to Sunset Shimmer. Why?. Because she sends me letters on how she learns friendship and I just write her back. Couldn't you just go thoroughly the portal and tell her Twilight. It's not that simple you know I mean what if I run into the other Flash and we stayed there for a long time. I'd come in after you because you are my mare friend. Fine you could come but don't tell Pinkie she'll want to come also. okay. I finally brought the mirror over here so we don't have to fly back to the crystal empire.

We were at the portal and jumped in and Pinkie was right there in front of us. Hey are you guys here for the big PARTY!!!! What party Pinkie. well it's not exactly a party it's more like a dance do you wanna stay for it. Of course Pinkie. Me and Flash walked with Pinkie so she could so us where my other friends are. They were sitting down at the lunch table eating. Flash almost fell knowing that he couldn't really walk or write yet. Why hey Darling how have you been. Great here's the pony Flash he's going to be staying with us for a while. Ooo did you here about the big dance today Rainbow Dash said. Yep Pinkie already told me not to long ago. Are you coming Rarity said. Yes I am. Are you going to bring Flash. Do you want to go Flash. Of course I do my princess. Aw you guys are just the perfect couple. We both blushed and went on talking. I looked at Sunset Shimmer and she was really quiet. What's wrong? Oh no I'm sorry I forgot that you and him used to date. It's okay it was an accident. Flash looked at me with a confused look in his eyes. Don't worry Flash it was the other you. I know it's just weird that there's to of me. There's two of everyone here except for me and spike which is really weird. All of a sudden I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I turned around to see that it was the other Flash. Hey can you give me a moment. Sure ill just sit here with your friends. While they were all talking I went outside with the other Flash. What do you need Flash. Nothing I just wanted to talk to you. About what?. Well I like you Twilight. Well if you must know...... WHAT!!!!! I like you he said again. I heard you it's just that I have a boyfriend and he's really expecting me to be back in a bit. But Twilight. I like you to Flash but not as much as the pony Flash. He looked sad and when he got rejected by me he looked down. When he looked down he saw a necklace. That's a beautiful necklace he said. Thanks Flash gave it to me it's for our anniversary. It's beautiful he said. He read it aloud Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle Forever. You really do love him. Yes Flash and he lives me I know you like me to but I'm sorry I love him more than you. I walked away and left him behind. While I was walking I heard sobbing and I started to cry to. I walked to the lunch table wiping away my tears. What happened Flash asked. He said he loved me I told him. And you love him. No I told that I loved you more and he got sad he looked my necklace you gave me for a anniversary and he said really did love each other. He started crying so I did. Its okay Twilight. I laid my head in his shoulder and started crying. My friends left to give us some space. What felt like an hour but was really 15 minutes I stopped crying. I went to my friends and told them that I was going and they said good bye to me. as we left the actual human Flash stared at me and Flash as we went through the portal. When we went through I flew back to Canterlot at Princess Celestias castle as Flash followed. When u flew through the palace doors Shining Armor saw me and had to see what was going on. He nicked in the door and I said come in. Ge came in looking sad. Whats wrong Twilight SA said. Nothing can you tell Flash to come in. Sure. Ge went out to go get Flash and less than a minute Flash was in my bedroom comforting me. I love you. I love you to Twi and no one could separate us ever.


Thanks for reading Vote and Comment please I need some of the comments about my book because I want to know what's going on and 💖 you guys see ya in the next chapter.

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