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Twilights Pov

I went to the other world because Flash had a football game coming up. I was at the school and went into the music room where all of my friends were practicing. Howdy partner we're practicing for the big game today. Oh AppleJack that's great I hope you do wonderful. Twilight would be grateful to sing with us darling. I'd love to Rarity. Marvelous now we need to get you your dress for the big day. I'll do that after I talk to Flash. I hope you get back soon we need to talk about your world said Fluttershy. I'll be back soon don't worry. I found Flash practicing on the football field and when he fall me tripped to the ground. Flash are you okay. Yea I just tripped I'm okay. Good I thought you got hurt by that landing. It didn't hurt at all and I hope you'll be coming to the game today. Oh I'm coming to the game but I'm in my friends group to sing for the football game. Wow that's great Twilight well ill see you at the game. Yep well I have to get back to my friends before they grab me by themselves. I went back to the music room and they were singing one of Fluttershys songs. You guys sound great. Thank you Twilight I've learned a little more about friendship than I did last time you came Sunset shimmer said. Our band is the greatest and I can't wait until we surprise every one with our awesome song. Do you wanna here it. Yes if course I do Dash. You can pick up the bass. ooohohoh or you could play the guitar. you can bang on the drums. or you could sing like a star!!!!!. They were finally done and it was the best song I've ever heard. I've gotta go tell spike something ill be back. Hey spike go back to Canterlot and tell Rarity that ill be staying until 10:00 ok. Okay Twilight.
Flashes Pov in equestria

I miss Twilight and I hope she gets back soon. SPIKEY WIKEY!!!! Your finally back. I have a message Twilight won't be back until 10:00 p.m. because she will be singing at flashes football game got it. Got it spike. I turned around and frowned because Twilight was going to be staying in that world with the other flash. Pinkie sat by me and said cheer up or I'm going to have to make a PARTY. Wait I'm going to anyways. Oh Pinkie I'm so sad now. Cheer up and Smile because tomorrow is going to be a brand new day and you don't want to make Pinkie sad okay Flash just be happy that Twilight is having fun. But don't you see Pinkie she's deserting you guys to she's been over there a hundred times with her other friends and barely talking to you guys. Your right. Pinkies hair went flat and said oh my gosh we've been helping you out that we haven't even notices how much she's spent with the other use's. I'm sorry Pinkie please cheer up I don't want to ruin your party please. Wait why don't you go to the other world and you could speak to her. YOUR RIGHT. Her hair popped back up and she yelled LET'S PAR-TAY. She walked to the portal and jumped in.
Pinkies Pov

Hello every pony she said and when she stood up she screamed. Pinkie I heard Twilight say. Oh hey Twilight what am I. Your a human Pinkie you need to go back before the others see you. I don't want to Twilight I want to hang out with you for the day. Fine but don't get in trouble okay. Okey Dokey Lokey ill be good. After that I went into what I think is a school and saw people that looked like my pony friends and one of them looked like me. Fluttershy!!!!!. Woa another me the other Pinkie said. How did you get here partner. By the portal duh how else could I have gotten her you silly willy. Why your gonna wanna look fabulous today don't you. I'm guessing your Rarity and Ooo your Rainbow Dash and you are Apple Jack. And your me I think we need to catch up with each other well as I would say on ourselves. Yay Me now what do you wanna talk about. I don't know but I'm going to have to talk to my band so just wait here. YOUR IN A BAND!!!!! Yes darling didn't Twilight tell you. No she doesn't talk to her friends that much in PonyVille anymore I only noticed it now because her boyfriend Flash is sad and crying right now. Why is he okay I think you should go check on him. No I can't Twilight told me to be good so I can't. Then we're coming with you and we won't take no for an answer. Fine you guys are party poopers. Tou ready to go darlings. Yes and we all jumped in the portal. We got out and Flash saw them all. What are you doing Pinkie your supposed to be talking to Twilight not bringing her other friends and well yourself. But they wanted to help you. Help me Pinkie what did you tell them? I told them that you were sad and that you need to lighten up so they came and they didn't take no for an answer. Fine but make sure that they get back before the football game.

Twilights Pov

I was sitting down with Flash when I noticed that the Pinkie from Equestria was really quiet. I'll be back just wait. Ok i'll be sitting here. I looked around everywhere and couldn't find her. I checked in the school and none of my friends were there. I went to Flash and told him that I would be back. I jumped into the portal and came back out. when I walked to my room I was wondering where they were. Pinkie!!!!!. Pinkie at your service Twilight. I noticed that it was Pinkie and started talking. Do you know where my friends are from the other world?. Why of course silly there's me and the others are with Flash and the Pinkie from here. Wait are you saying that you are my friend from the other world and the rest are here to. Yeppty Doodles. Pinkie get back in that portal. I can't Twilight we have to help Flash. Why would you have to help him?. Because he's sad that you are spending all your time in the other one duh silly willy. OH no what have I done. You didn't do anything Twilight your just in your moment you still can't choose between them. Your right but I want the pony Flash more than anything. Well then Twilight go comfort him. I will, thanks Pinkie also Pinkie can you tell the others to go back to your world. Yes Twilight anyways bye. They all went into the portal and Pinkie from here tried to go with them. Pinkie get back here. she went to her room and had a party in there. I went into my room and sat down beside him. Whats wrong Flash I know I've been with the other one but you don't have to get sad over that. I know Twilight but i want you to choose me or the other. I don't know I'm so sorry flash. He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and kissed him back. It seems weirdFlash I know but I love you your my boyfriend. Yes but boyfriends and girlfriends always break up. Flash I would never break up with you I love you more than anything and no one could change that and you know that. I know one person who can. Flash he can't do anything I mean my own brother doesn't even know that we're dating. I'm sorry Twilight I love you to. He kissed me passionately. I have to go ill be back I have to get ready for the band. Band?. Yea I'm singing for the other Flash so that he could have confidence so the team could win love you bye. Bye shining said quietly.


How do you think the football games going to go? do you think a twilights going to keep her promise to Flash? Do you think that shining a going to find out about them?




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