bad news and Human Flash

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Celestias Pov

When I was sitting down on my throne I got a letter. I opened it and it said that I will destroy the world in front of Twilight. Oh No I must worn Twilight!!!! I ran as fast as I could until I reached Twilights room I opened the door and she was sitting reading a book. Twilight I've got bad news. What is it Princess Celestia. I got a letter saying this I will destroy the world in front of Twilight. I don't get that princess Celestia can I keep it for a while so I could study it. Of course and when you find out tell me. Yes Princess.

Twilights Pov

I studied the letter for a while and nothing happened. I fell asleep hours after until I woke up hearing a noise. I ran out of my room and saw chrysalis. Bo what are you doing. Why Twilight Sparkle its been ages. You didn't answer my question. Fine I'm here to steal your little boyfriend Flash in the other world. NOOOOO!!!!!. After all of that I woke up and I thought it was just a dream Flash opened the door with Shining Armor, Cadence, and Princess Celestia followed by my friends. Whats wrong Princess Twilight Princess Celestia said. I know who the letter is from and I saw her last night. Who is it? It's Chrysalis. It can't be it is she's going to the other world and I'm afraid she's there right now. We have to warn every pony. No it's my duty I will go in the other world and tell Principle Celestia. Principe Celestia? Eveyone said confused. Its princess Celestia but she's Principle Celestia in human form. Ohhh. Bye my friends I will be back home soon "I hope" I said in a mumbled voice. I packed everything I needed and flew into the portal. As soon as I got there I ran to Principle Celestias office. Principle Celestia I've got bad news. What is it Twilight? Something evil has come here her name is Chrysalis she takes any form of a person and traps the real person somewhere. Thanks for telling me Twilight. Your welcome and I will be back as soon as I find her. I ran outside to where my friends were Whats wrong darling Rarity said. Its Chrysalis she's back. Chrsa who. She's a changeling queen and can take form of anyone and she traps anyone she forms into. We'll help you. Thanks hey where's Sunset Shimmer. I don't know we haven't seen her all day. That's strange I said. We walked all around until I bumped into Flash. I'm so sorry flash I didn't mean to. then a heard every one go huuuuu. Whats wrong. They pointed to Flashes hand which was holding into Sunset Shimmers. Oh I'm sorry both of you I didn't mean to bump into you. Flash said sorry while Sunset Shimmer said Whatever just don't bump into us again. They walked away while everyone's mouths dropped. What happened to Sunset Shimmer you guys. We don't know she was sweet and kind yesterday they said altogether. That's to strange and I ran up to Flash. Flash I need to talk to you. Okay. No go away and leave us alone Sunset shimmer said. Wait Sunset i'll be right back I'm going to talk to Twilight. She looked very angry when he left her for me. So Whats up Twilight. How did you and Sunset get together. Well this morning I saw her and she bumped into me and I helped her up I looked into her eyes and we just fell for each other. No Flash that's not the real you I know it's not. I'M sorry Twilight your with the other Flash. I know but I love you to and it breaks my heart to see you dating Sunset Shimmer. Hurry up I'm tired of waiting Sunset Shimmer said. I'll be there in a minute. And it breaks my heart seeing you crying but I love Sunset Shimmer now and that's all that matters. I ran away crying and when I was running I saw sunset shimmer with glowing eyes. OH NO!!! I screamed. I reached to where all my friends were and I told them my plan. I told them that I would go back to Canterlot while they keep an eye on Sunset Shimmer. I jumped into the portal and when I came out I ran to princess Celestia. Princess. Yes Twilight. Chrysalis I've found her she's taken form of Sunset Shimmers body and I don't know where the real one is. What else Twilight she's she's dating Flash. and I started crying. Twilight I will come with you but you have to promise me something. Anything Princess. You will not cry the time we are there. I'm not going to because I'm bringing Flash with me. Then I ran to Flash and he was guarding my door. Flash I need you to do something for me. Yes Princess Twilight. I want you to come with me and Princess Celestia to the other world. Why? Your my royal bodyguard and your dating Sunset Shimmer again who is really Chrysalis. I'll come with you Twilight. When I said that to him Shining Armor heard. I'm coming with you Twilight. I looked behind Flash and saw Shining. You don't have to. I have to protect you your my little sister. Then we ran to the portal where Princess Celestia was already at and we ran into it. We all popped out at the same time. Shining Armor and Princess Celestia screamed when hey saw what they were. I helped them all up. Where are we Shining Armor asked. We are at Canterlot High. We walked in a group until Principle Celestia saw us. Twilight who is that beautiful woman bye you. Why Principle Celestia that's you Princess Celestia. Hi Princess Celestia I'm Principle Celestia. I know Twilights told me all about you. Well have fun on your journey and that's when all of my friends came. Who are you Pinkie said. And who is that cute boy you have by you Rarity said. This my brother Shining Armor he's Captain of the royal guard and my BBBFF. What does that mean they said. Big brother bestfriend forever also he's married to Princess Cadence. Rarity blushed when I said that. So what did you find you guys. All they do is walk around and hold hands but her eyes turn really bright green all the time Pinkie said. She's feeding off the love that he has for Twilight Shining said. Why do you think it's for me I mean I already told him that my love is on this Flash. Just because you love me Twilight doesn't he doesn't love you. But Flash he told me not to long ago he was in love with Sunset Shimmer. That's because she's feeding the love out of him it's going to make weak. We have to find them now. Wait a minute they are sitting down by the monument. Pinkie you go distract them the rest of you if they leave follow them Shining said. Pinkie was already there annoying them with her talking while the others were in their hiding spots. They finally had enough so the others followed them while I walked up to them and talked to flash. Flash can I talk to you for a while. Sure Twilight. We sat down under a tree. I'm going to tell you this again I love you Flash but I love the other one more but that doesn't mean that you have to break my heart by being with another person. I'm not Twilight and if you want to still be in this relationship as my friend you would leave me alone. I started crying and Flash say next to me and I heard a noise. You leave my Twili alone. Shining armor kicked him and Flash through him I the ground. Shining Armor no I started crying and this is what I told the Flash that did this. You monster look at what you have done you've hurt my big brother. Flash turned around and said brother?. Yes he's my brother he was trying to protect me. He also came here to protect you from her. Why would I need protection Sunset Shimmer and I love each other. But that's where you wrong Flash thats not Sunset Shimmer it's chrysalis a changeling from equestria. She feed off of your love she's hidden the real one somewhere else. After I said that I looked down at my brother and started rocking back and forth your going to be ok shining. Twilight I'm so sorry that I did that I love you little sis. He sat up and hugged me and something happened it was a spark of magic and the next thing I knew was that shining and I were floating in the air. I grew wings ears and my tail and shining did the same except he didn't have wings. Are eyes glowed and a beam shot at Sunset Shimmer and she turned into Chrysalis as the real on showed up from someplace. Me and shining armor came down slowly and a necklace appeared on both of us. Mine said LSBFF and Shinings said BBBFF. We hugged each other and shining went to the human Flash and I went to sunset shimmer. Sunset Shimmer where have you Been? That monster hid me in a cave. We hugged and my friends came in it to but the one that was hugging me the most was my brother.

Thanks for reading this chapter next one will be later.
You all are the best people ever.



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