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Twilights pov

I woke up and went to Pinkies room because I heard loud music in there. Hey Twilight, Pinkie said as I walked in. Have you seen Apple Jack and Rarity. Yeppty Doodles they went with Flash. Ok don't tell them I asked you where they were. Okey Dokey Lokey.

I left Pinkies room and ran down the main hall looking for Flash. All at once I saw them with him calling him cute then I ran and started crying. When I got to my room I ran in and lied down on my bed. What's wrong Twilight, Spike said. I don't want to talk about. I'm going to go to the other dimension for a while ill be back. Do you want me to come Twilight? No Spike I'll be fine.

Twilights pov

All I could see was light flashing and I was in the other world. I curled up in a little ball and cried. Fluttershy came by me and asked what was wrong. Flash Sentury is what's wrong😭.
What happened do you want me to get him for hurting you. No it's fine Fluttershy it was the pony Flash. Oh, well do you want me to get the other one then. Yes I would love that Shy. I'll be right back then. Next thing you know Flash sat by me while Fluttershy went to give us our space. What's wrong Twilight he said. You were talking to my friends and they were flirting with you. No they weren't they weren't doing that at all. I'm talking about the pony you flash I mean come on your smart, handsome, and kind who wouldn't want you. Then I just realized what I said that and i blushed. Yea but I don't think that your friends would like me I mean they probably were talking to me did you get a close look. Well, no I didn't. Well then how do you know that then. Oh no I have to go talk to them and ask them what happened. We got up hugged each other and I went back to Canterlot. I ran to Rarity's room and asked her what she was talking about when she was talking to Flash. Why darling he was crying about you of course. He was crying about me and I started crying and blushing. Twilight you must calm down its no big deal. Why was he crying about me I said. He thought that you liked human Flash than pony flash so he started crying and so Apple Jack and I started talking to him. Oh I have to go apologize to him. Why darling? Because I love him
More than anything and I won't let that go. I ran to my room where he was sitting down guarding. I'm so sorry Flash I said. Why would you be sorry you didn't do anything. Yes I did Flash I was paying more attention to human flash than I was to the true Flash I loved so much. He sat up and kissed me on the cheek and I blushed. You love me Twilight. Yes I love you Flash. Well I love you to Twilight and I wanted to tell you that I was the one that gave you the bouquet of
flowers. Oh flash. Will you go out with me Twilight Sparkle. Yes I will and we both hugged each other. All of a sudden Shining Armor came. So whats going on he said with Cadence by his side. Shining was talking to Flash while me and Cadence did our hand shake (Sunshine sunshine lady bugs awake clap your hooves and do a little shake.) We laughed and went downstairs and talked about how we could make the decorations sparkle because the ball was in 2 weeks from now.

Flashes pov

Shining Armor my Captain was telling me if I hurt Twilight that he would get me fired. I said okay and we went downstairs and caught up with Princess Cadence and Twilight. So what were you talking about the Captain said. Twilight and I were talking about the ball and the decorations for it. Shining Armor left and l stayed by Twilights side. Princess Cadence could Flash come to the ball Twilight said. I don't think so. Pleassssseeeee. Oh fine Twilight any thing for my sister and law. I followed Twilight up the stairs and I stood outside her room and her friend Rarity came and sat by me. I could see that everything's good with you and Twilight now. I know but do you think it's a little weird that Twilight and I are going out. Not at all darling you and her are the perfect couple and nothing could do anything to stop that. Thanks Rarity but I love her so much and I wouldn't want to break her heart anymore also I'm afraid that she'll want to go out with that other Flash guy instead of me again. Why would we do that. I heard a door slam with Twilight running all the way down the hall to where that mirror was.
I followed her and right when the moment came I turned and ran into the mirror with her. Flash what are you doing she said. I love you and I want to meet me. Right then popped right out this thing and I screamed because didn't know what had happened to me. Twilight helped me up and we walked to human flash.Hi Twilight who is he. He's you Flash he wanted to come well actually he didn't ask he just jumped right in the portal. I came here to tell you that me and this Flash are going out now. My face blushed because I thought that she was going to tell him something else. I walked away and saw this girl with pink poofy hair and she was blowing up balloons and she looked a lot like Pinkie Pie. Ooooo hi Flash I'm just blowing up balloons then other ponies came which they all looked like Rainbow dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Apple Jack. Hi are you guys Twilights friends. Why of course silly willy you know that you see her like every week when she comes over Pinkie said. Excuse me I'm really sorry I'm the pony Flash I came with Twilight. Oh My Gosh!!! pinkie said I didn't think that we would ever be able to meet you. Well here I am and I'm also a royal guard. I ACTUALLY GET To MEET THE ROYAL GUARD!!!!!! Rarity squealed. Yea me and Twilight are going out now it's official. That's great Apple Jack said. Rarity was still standing there still with her mouth open. I think I'm going to go over there to Twilight see you guys later. Twilight was standing by the monument waiting for me. So I see you met my friends aren't they fun she said. Yes actually they act a lot like your pony friends from PonyVille. After I said that we jumped in the portal and when we came out I started guarding her room while she went to talk to Princess Cadence.

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