Nervous Princess

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Twilights Pov

We got back from the ruff night we had and I put an ice pack on Shinings head. Are you okay Shining. Yea he just threw me down that's all. Just threw you down it looked like you were about to pass out. When I said that I heard the door open and behind that door was Cadence. Honey are you okay did he hurt you? What did he do?. We paused and Shining said he was fine. Cadence looked down and saw our necklaces. Where did you get those necklaces she asked. We defeated Chrysalis with the power of sibling hood. Me and Shining laughed that tears were coming out of our eyes. To bad I wasn't there I would've given what was coming for him. And what's that Cadence? To not mess with my husband and sister in law. Then Cadence and I did our hoof shake. (sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake clap your hooves and do a little shake) We fell down laughing and Shining joined in. The door opened again and it was Princess Celestia. Princess Twilight may I see you for a moment. Mhm and I walked with her through the halls and I saw a new window pane. Whats that I asked. Why its you and your brother you guys defeated Chrysalis again and we are very great full for that. Princess can I ask you something. Anything Twilight what is it. Why did she go to the Canterlot High this time. I have no idea and that's what I'm trying to figure out.
Twilights Pov

I jumped into the mirror finding Flash sitting in front of it. Flash are you okay? No I'm not okay the only girl I loved left me for another one of me. It's okay it's not your fault hey there's a ball coming up do you wanna come. I bet you could find I mare you would like. You would let me come even though I hurt your brother. Yes I know it wasn't your fault doing it because it was Chrysalis she uses people as there minions. Tell again what she does. She steels the love off of other ponies or people so that she could gain more power. How could I be so dumb thinking Sunset Shimmer was you. Wait me why would you think she was me. Because when I bumped into her it was you I swear it looked exactly like you. So you didn't notice that it was sunset shimmer. No she made me so weak and I thought it was you. I forgive you buy don't get into mine and Flashes business. He said fine then we jumped in the portal.We came out and Shining Armor saw us. What is he doing here he said with an ice pack on his head. I'm sorry I did that but I would like to attend to the ball. No No way if you stick a hoof in that ballroom you will be kicked out. Please Shining you know how it feel when you get controlled by Chrysalis see your me and he's you. Okay but stay away from the royal guard and Twilight. Who's the royal guard? That's my colt friend Flash sentry or as you call it boyfriend. Oh he said sadly its okay we will show you to your room. Flash my colt friend was on one side as the human friend was on the other. You will be staying with us in the Guard rooms this is your bed. Thanks and Twilight good night. Flash closed the door behind us and he sat by me while I fell asleep.

Twilights Pov

It was morning and I got up with Flash already guarding my door. I brushed my mane like usual and walked out. I kissed Flash on the cheek and he hugged me with his wings and I moved on. The other Flash just woke up and opened the door he bumped Twilight over and she fell. I'm sorry he said picking me up. Its okay it wasn't your fault and I kept on walking. Flash followed behind while the other one looked around the palace. When we were walking Princess Luna stopped us. Yes Princess Luna I said. Are thy ready for the ball. Yes of course Princess and I walked to Cadences room and it wasn't to far from mine. When I walked in shining was asleep and it looked like she just woke up. Hey Princess Cadence having a rough morning. Yes I haven't even gotten ready for the ball yet. It's okay I'll go ask Rarity if she could make you a dress and what colors. Gold and turquoise. Okay ill be back. I ran to her room and opened the door and She fell to the ground. What time is it darling. Noon and Princess Cadence wants you to make her a dress. I'm going back to.... Wait did you just say Princess Cadence. Yes I did and..... What colors does she want pink, purple yellow. No she wants it to be gold and Turquoise. That's fabulous now shoo shoo I need to work. I walked to Cadences room and told her that Rarity said yes. Thank you Twilight I'm grateful that you did that. Don't thank me thank Rarity. Well I'll see you at the ball. okay by Cadence. We walked away and started heading the other way back to my room.
Sorry that it was short ill make the other one with in a bit. Fan Vote Comment.

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