The Big Ball

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Twilights Pov

Today is the day the big ball. I got up and got the dress that Rarity gave me. It was Blue with my cutie mark on it. I brushed my mane and curled it with my magic. I walked out and there was Flash staring and blushing. Whats wrong Flash. You look beautiful today he said and he kissed me. I blushed and walked away seeing the other Flash. Hi Flash what are you up to. Nothing at all just looking around. He looked sad so i hugged him. It's okay you'll find the right one I just know it. He walked away nervous. I felt sorry for him because I said all those things to him a while back. I went to the other Flash and hugged him telling him that I felt sorry. He told me to calm down and just have a fun time at the ball. We walked down to the ball room and we got ready to dance. Cadence came in and she looked really beautiful and right beside her was Shining Armor. I walked up to Cadence and told she looked pretty today and she said thank you and told me I looked beautiful to. Flash went and stood right bye me. I blushed as I hoped he didn't notice. The ball was getting ready to start and Flash and I started dancing while the other one was sitting down alone. A mare came up to him and asked to dance and he said no. I asked Flash if I could go over and he said yes. When I walked over he was crying. Seriously what's wrong Flash. I just can't the only person I love is you. I'm sorry but I already have a boyfriend he's standing right over there. Yea I know but it's just that I can't stop thinking if you. I blushed and told him that he needed to find some pony else because she was taken. When I said that the mare that asked him to dance came over and asked again. Say yes Flash for me. He stood up and walked with her to the dance floor in all four hooves. I went back and started dancing with Flash again. Mean while the other Flash was having a great time. It was about time the ball ended because my hooves were cramping. I sat down and Flash and I started to talk. He said that he fell in love with her and that I was right. I hugged him and I told him that he did good trying to get a mare. He walked to his room and me and Flash walked to my room. We kissed goodnight and I Went into my room and fell asleep.
Flashes Pov

I had a wonderful time last night and I wanted it to happen all over again. Princess Twilight walked out and I blushed when she kissed me in the cheek. I followed her and she went to the mirror. She was standing in front of it and I was sorta sad. Twilight are you okay. Yes it's just that I wanted him to have a great time and he did but he can't see his mare friend anymore. I sat my flank by her and she cried on my chest. I curled my wings around her and she held into me tighter. Twilight I've got to ask you something tomorrow but we could wait. Okay I love you Flash. I love you to Twilight. and that was the en of the night for us.
Sorry for the short chapter it's late but the next one will be better. Vote and Comment

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