Chap 26- Isn't This too Cruel?

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-Author's POV-

*Rrrrrr Rrrrrr*

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"Still no answer?" Namjoon asks, Seokjin who was trying to call their Manager.

"No....not this time, either" Seokjin says.

"What's going on? I get being too busy to stop the dorm, but it's been a while. I asked for a feedback on a new arrangement a while back and my email hasn't even been opened" Yoongi says not liking the behavior of their Manager.

"Radio silence in the group chat, too. Must be busy doing manager-stuff" Seokjin mumbles trying not to think negatively.

"Must be busy with something urgent. Actually, I'm worried too. Especially since the Maknaes look so nervous" Namjoon wears a worried look.

His eyes go to the Maknae line who are sitting under the pull up bars of the park, with gloomy expressions on their faces.

"I was so sure we'd get to debut soon... I never thought we'd end up like this" Taehyung mumbles to Jimin and Jungkook who was sitting either side of him.

"End? You think this is the end of our group? It can't be" Jimin mumbles, voice cracking.

"I don't know how this happened, or what we can do now....." The Maknae line sighs in unison.

"Huh? Hey, what's going on over there?" Hoseok calls out to his members pointing towards the sound of music, floating through the air. The group finds some teenagers dancing and chit chatting with each other.

"It looks like they're doing a street performance. I remember doing that!" Hoseok gets a far away look in his eyes as he remembers.

"It" Taehyung says.

"We were exactly like them. Dance practice, break, singing practice, break, another dance practice, break, another singing practice. Wasn't it fun, though? Remember when Jimin went on that crash diet?" Hoseok asks, stopping in front of the Maknae with the rest of the Hyung line.

"Right! You made me do the ability moves!" Jimin blushes, remembering.

"Actually, that wasn't my idea. Our manager wanted to....." Hoseok reveals.

The group grows somber at the mention of their manager.

"How long is it going to be like this?" Namjoon asks clearly frustrated with the situation.

"What if the situation doesn't get better? What if out manager....." Jimin halts his voice not wanting to say it out loud.

"..... Abandoned us?" From the back of the group Jungkook quietly speaks, finishing Jimin's sentence. He says what everyone is thinking. A heavy tension settles over the group.

"Is that why we're being left alone so much? So it hurts less when we get left completely?" Jungkook asks, his eyes weld up in tears, lips trembling.

The group's heart aches as the usually quiet Maknae opens his mouth and let's his feelings out.

"Hyung.... What then, what should we do?" Jimin asks glancing up at their leader.

"What do you want to do?" Namjoon asks instead of answering.

"What?" Jimin asks dumbfounded.

"What about you Taehyung?" Namjoon asks the question to the whole group, but nobody answers.

"This is our work, our dream. I think that what matters most is our destination"

"I agree. If no one calls and gives us a chance then we'll work part time jobs and find places where we can perform for free!" Yoongi say's completely agreeing with Namjoon.

"That's right. As long as we can connect to people with our music, then how we do it doesn't matter" Hoseok says nodding.

"True. We just need to keep doing what we've been doing. But first maybe we should get something to eat?" Seokjin asks stroking Jungkook's back to comfort him.


Seokjin's phone begins to ring as soon as he finishes speaking.

"What? It's our manager!!" Everyone gathers around the eldest. Knowing that everyone will want to hear this call, he puts it on speakerphone and tries to sound cheerful.

"Ah, Manager! What's kept you so busy that you can't answer our calls?"

"Hi, I'm calling from the hospital. This cell phones owner tainted and was brought here...."

"What?!!!!" The members exclaimed in shock.

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