Chap 59- Begin

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-Author's POV-

"What's this on the table?" Yoongi walks out of his room and spots a small roll of papers on top of the coffee table.

"Manager dropped that off a little while ago. It's an edited version of our last interview. Take a look, hyung" Namjoon shows.

"Hey, Namjoon..... My heart's suddenly...." Yoongi breaks into a faint smile as he reads the interviews.

"What's wrong, hyung? Is something wrong?" Namjoon asks concerned.

"No, I just read Jungkook's interview... He's grown up now. My heart just......this is nice. How is Jungkook this good at speaking?" Yoongi asks.

"Let me take a look" Namjoon smiles like a proud dad after reading Jungkook's interview.

"Yeah.... That kid who used to cry when we asked him, 'are you crying?' is seriously gone" Namjoon let's out a chuckle.

"Right. It feels like just yesterday I took like 250 pics at Jungkook's high school admission ceremony" Yoongi says with a sigh.

"I think you're exaggerating...."

"He always used to say he wanted to be an amazing adult like SUGA hyung.... I'm so glad he's accomplishing those dreams..." Yoongi says empathizing his name loudly.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about.... Im Jungkook's official role model hyung" Namjoon states.

"Oh, this again? That you inspired Jungkook to become a singer?" Yoongi asks annoyed.

"It's a bit embarrassing, but it's the truth" Namjoon cheekily flashes a dimpled smile.

"Your role model days have passed. You can tell from Jungkook's head-to-toe black outfits that I'm influencing him the most lately" Yoongi didn't wanted to let Namjoon defeat him.

"Okay hyung. Let's poll the others whether it's you or me" Namjoon finally says.

"Wow! All this fighting over nothing. The reason Jungkook grew up so cool is because his oldest hyung fed him lots of delicious foods. You guys know that Jungkook likes steak and bibim noodles, right? And who came up with that combo? Me!" Seokjin scoffs as he heard both Namjoon and Yoongi bicker.

"Hyung, food can nourish the body but it can't nourish the soul. The reason why Jungkook's so good at taking photos and drawing is because I'm his artistic inspiration! You guys all know that I'm Kim Vante" Taehyung joins in the unnecessary argument.

"Wow, everyone's arguing over nothing. Jungkook grew up well because of himself, not because of anyone else! Although.... I think Jungkook looks to me for his physical and mental stability... Hah!" Hoseok spoke upto calm everyone down but he couldn't help but add fuel to the fire.

"Psh.... Knock it off everyone. Jungkook's been copying me a lot these days. He's been wearing the same accessories and sane colored contacts. Isn't it obvious that im Jungkook's biggest influence right now? Oh right! And he copied me and was horn in Busan, too. Okay, I'll stop here. Hehehe" Jimin grins finishing off his obvious statement.

"I can't listen to any more of this nonsense. We'll never come up with the right answer on our own. We need to go straight to the source. Where's Jungkook?" Namjoon asks having enough of the back and forth between the members.

"You were looking for me?" Jungkook asks as he came back to the dorm.

"Jungkook, we want to ask you something. Which of your hyungs is the biggest influence on you right now?" Jungkook title his head, considering at Namjoon's question.

"The hyungs who influences me the most? That's a really difficult question" Jungkook says.

"That's difficult? Where's the 15year-old Jungkook who told me, 'you're my role model, hyung'?" Namjoon asks.

"That was so long ago. I barely remember it....." Jungkook bits his lips, a blank expression on his face.

"Hah! Great, Jungkook! Let's go! Lamb skewers on me today!" Yoongi laughs.

"I don't know..... I'm not really feeling it today...." Jungkook rejects.

"You don't want lamb skewers! It's a perfect day for lobster, then! I know an amazing place!" Seokjin tries to drag Jungkook with him.

"I'm not in a mood for lobsters today, either" Jungkook yet again denies.

"Hmm.... Lobster silence" Seokjin pouts.

"Why are you so lethargic, maknae? Have you eaten today?" Hoseok asks frowning.

"Foods not the problem. I'm stuck at a once-in-a-lifetime fork in the road"  Jungkook says.

"What is it? You can tell us" Taehyung asks.

"Well, so.... I thought of 2 titles for my solo track and in really having a hard time deciding on one. So I want to hear your thoughts, hyungs. The titles I have in my mind are.... Begin and Finish" Jungkook speaks up with a sigh.

"Begin. It's......very emotional?" Namjoon asks. Jungkook nods his head yes.

"Me too. It's not about winning or losing, but beginning. Begin" Seokjin says as Namjoon said that he likes the title Begin.

"It's a hard choice, but.. I like begin, too. But I think we'll be able to decide better if we know what the song's about Jungkook" Jimin says wanting to hear more about the song.

"Ah, so the song is about........" Jungkook trails off, clearly a bit embarrassed.

"...... The song's about you, hyungs" He finished the sentence with a fake cough.

"Us?" Jimin blushed.

"I wanted to explore something about me in my first solo track. But.....all of you have been there and part of my story ever since I became a singer. It's hard to explain who I am if I take all of you out of the equation. So.... I decided to talk about all of you" Jungkook explains with a shy adorable smile on his face.

"Back when we debuted our Jungkook was the youngest person in the whole building at broadcasting stations.... Now out maknae's making us emotional" Hoseok says teary-eyed.

"Oh, talking to you hyungs settles it. I know what the title is! I want to call my solo track 'Begin'!" Jungkook's eyes lit up.

"Why? The second one was cool too!" Taehyung asks.

"Well, i want to keep on beginning so there's no end in sight" Jungkook says.

"Yeah, Begin is perfect if that's the meaning you want" Namjoon nods his head agreeing.

"Hah. Now I feel certain! But what were you talking about earlier? What did you want to ask me? What influence?" Jungkook asks suddenly remembering the commotion.

"Oh, no! It's nothing!" Jimin quickly days.

"Forget about that- whoosh!" Taehyung chuckled.

"I'm really happy we've influenced your Begin. Right, Yoongi hyung? Hyung? I saw you wipe your eyes just now!" Jimin points out the tiny droplets on Yoongi's face that he couldn't wipe.

"I don't know, Jungkook! I'm going to have to buy you some lamb skewers today. Follow me!" Yoongi says walking out of the dorm.

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