Chap 57- Lost

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(A/N: Guys, you might want to read the last chapter again, as I've added 'Intro 2' to it since it was too short. I'll be writing both chapters of 1 & 2 in one chapter to make the upcoming chapters long.

I might not be able to update daily this week as I've injured my right hand and it's taking me more time to finish typing so I'll apologize in advance. Enjoy~)


We head for a rental deep on the mountains, hoping that the fresh air and clean water will get our creative juices flowing.

"Ok so, no pressure but let's think of a concept for the 2nd full-length!- wIy. Taehyung. Is this the right rental?" I ask.

-Author's POV-

"Wow, this place looks like a temple!" Seokjin was amazed by the rental in front of us.

"I see! We're isolating ourselves in search of enlightenment. Now that we're cut out from the outside world, we'll be able to focus solely on the album" Namjoon nods his head clearly liking where we are right now.

"That.....doesn't seem right. This place is full of temptations" Hoseok's right. The house has a pool, sports fields, and even a karaoke machine.

"Wrong!! None of those things are why I chose this place" Taehyung confidently leads everyone out into the backyard of the rental house.

"........What's with all these tiles?" Yoongi asks.

All over the yard are tiles covered in scribbled handwriting.

"What is this? It just looks like a grafitti......" Jungkook says.

"Please let me ace my test. Please make my dreams come true....." Namjoon starts to sing.

"Please make my mom healthy again. Oh my heart.... " Hoseok joins Namjoon.

"It's not a grafitti! It's wishes from people who visited before us! We should make a wish too!"

The members eyes light up at Taehyung's suggestion. They start to brainstorm wishes to write on the tile.

"Well.... Whether you believe in it or not, it's worth a try" Yoongi shrugs his shoulders as he joins.

The members spend a moment deep in thought.

"It's hard to choose just or thing to write. Can I think a little longer?" Jimin asks, once the members decided to write their wish down.

"Okay! Let's have our album meeting first. By the way, is anyone else hungry? It must be this mountain air...." Seokjin asks, feeling his own tummy ramble.

Jungkook nods eagerly in response to Seokjin's question and heads for the house, the other members trailing his footsteps.

-Lily's POV-

"Guys! What about the album meeting- huh? Where did everyone else go? Namjoon?" I step aside to take a call, but when I get back I only am met with Namjoon.

"So, uh..... We started discussing what snack to have at our meeting, and...." Namjoon leads me to a foot volleyball match that will determine the group's snack fate.

"Wow, Manager's here!! Manaaaageeeerr! You'll join our team right?" Jimin calls out as soon he saw me.

"There are spicy rice cakes on the line! We'll get to work after this round" Yoongi says as if was trying to reassure me.

"Wow, why does the ball keep going high? Let's call this a practice round, one more match!" Hoseok whines.

Foot volleyball turns out to be just the beginning of the great snack tournament.

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