Chap 42- LA Hustle Life 2

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-Author's POV-

"Should I say I'm sick? That I can't perform because I feel bad?" Taehyung whispers to his band members as they all sprawled around the joined three beds.

"Say your stomach hurts hyung. Say that the ketchup on your burger must've been off" Jungkook whispers back, suggesting a new idea.

"Ketchup spoils?" Jimin asks confused.

"Does it not?" Jungkook asks back, his doe eyes wide innocently.

"Yeah, Manager's definitely going to fall for that. You're so bad at lying, seriously" Yoongi sarcastically says.

"Hah... What do we do about the performance? What are they gonna say about our music? I have nightmares about it" Namjoon sighs.

"They'll probably go, 'What is that?' 'Are you kidding me?' It's so obvious" Hoseok scoffs.

-Lily's POV-

I happily entered the hotel, hands filled with bags full of snacks for the boys.

I fling the door open of their hotel room.

"Guys! I have a surprise late-night snack for you! Hot dogs-" I was cut off by the boys letting out startled noises.

They quickly closes their eyes and pretend to be sleeping.

Uh? Too late to act now don't you think?

"Guys, I know you're awake. Wake up please"

I gently shake them awake, but they refuse to budge. Well,

I guess I have no choice but to use my secret weapon.

I walk up to Jimin, who's trying his best to pretend - sleep.

"I know your awake, Mishter Jimin! Time to get up. Mishter Jimin!" I whisper into Jimin's ear.

"Pfft.... Hahaha!" He started to laugh in an instant.

"Making Jimin laugh is the easiest thing in the world!" I say, proud of myself.

"That's cheating, Manager!" Jimin pouts.

"You find that funny?" Yoongi asks not interested clear on his face.

"I know you're laughing on the inside, hyung" Jimin pouts more.

"Can we eat the hot dogs now that our act is up?" Jungkook asks already on his way to grab the bags that I put on the table.

"Wait! Before you guys dig in. Let's talk. Guys, what's going on?" I stopped Jungkook.

"Actually, we...." The boys shared each other a look, Namjoon sigh and starts to explain.

"I see, I didn't know. I just wanted to help! I didn't think it'd put you under so much pressure" I say, guilt eating me up.

"It's not your fault manager. It just....felt that we'd reached our limit. Like we were frogs in a wall" Namjoon quickly says shaking his head.

"Well, you know. It's our first full-length album. It feels like we have to showcase something really good, cool, and fresh" Yoongi explains further to me.

The heaviness in the air makes it hard for me to speak.

This can't go on.....

"Hey, I need you to go somewhere with me"

"Now? At this hour?" Seokjin asks as he glances up to the clock on the wall.

"Yeah, I really need to show your something" I hurried them out of the hotel.

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