Chap 27- My Heart Beats to the Beat

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"Shh, shh... Rise and shine"

"Ugh..." I slowly open my eyes to state at the unfamiliar ceiling. Everything smells like kind of like chlorine.

Am i in......a hospital?


"What? Jimin? Oh, Jungkook....and...all of you...." I look around and am my with seven faces each one as concerned as the last.

"Hey, guys....what happened to me?" I ask getting up from the hospital bed to a sitting position with the help of Seokjin.

"You collapsed on the street and someone brought you here. We rushed to meet you as soon as we heard" Hoseok explains.

Right...... I remember collapsing

"Oh! What time is it? I have a meeting with PD Bae..." I tried getting up from the bed but my actions were halted by Jimin gripping my shoulders.

"No! Stop, stop stop"

"Don't get up yet. You need to rest. Doctor's orders!" Jungkook scolded me from the other side of the hospital bed.

"They diagnosed you with exhaustion" Namjoon tells me.

"You have to take care of yourself! What were you thinking, skipping meals and working yourself to death?" Yoongi asks in a stern voice, clearly worried.

"One more thing! Why didn't you tell us how overworked you were?" Taehyung asks the next, not giving me a chance to answer to Yoongi.

"I.... I wanted to book your soon as possible" I tell them in a small voice.

"We didn't know you'd been working so hard for us! We thought you abandoned us.... Wah...."

"Tae- Taehyung. Don't cry. This is all my fault. I thought that should be my top priority.....and it would be better for all of you. But, I guess I was wrong. I didn't consider that you'd be worried about me" I say truthfully, stroking Taehyung's hair to make him stop crying as he sits beside me on the hospital bed.

"Promise me that you won't let this happen ever again. Promise?" Taehyung says.

"Alright, promise" I ruffled Taehyung's hair smiling.

"Here....take this" Seokjin takes out a three-layered lunch box and hand me.

"Chef Jin's special nutritious rice porridge. It has ginseng, abalone, oysters, mushroom spinach...." Seokjin introduces me to his cooked meal.

"Thank you..." I say.

"There's more, red ginseng, garlic, kudzu, and pretty much everything good for you!"

I take a hesitant spoonful and realize everyone is starting at me, stairs in their eyes.

"Wow, no pressure or anything" I sarcastically says.

"We can't go to practice 'til we see you take a bite!" Hoseok says gesturing to Seokjin's rice porridge.

"Oh, okay.... Then..." I took another bite not wanting to argue with them.

7 VS 1 might suck

"How is it?" Seokjin asks.

"It's, uh, it's really good" Only after I've finished half of the porridge do manage to send them back to practice.

Nutrition and taste must be investing proportional.

Do I have to finish this....?

"Is it bad? Your face says it all" A sudden voice startle me.

"oh, Namjoon. Why are you....?"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't fully qualified to be group leader" Namjoon bows apologizing.

"Not qualified?" I ask wanting to know what he meant.

Did something happen when I wasn't around?

"You know I've always believed in you but... I guess at the back of my mind, i had my doubts. That kept me from being able to reassure the rest of the group, when they needed me. I didn't know you were working so hard even risking your health" Namjoon starts to explain.

"That's okay. You're still learning" I say to encourage him.

"And there's one thing I learned for sure" He says staring at me.

"What's that?" I ask

"Your sincere heart" At Namjoon's honest reply we couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Next time you go to try to hook us a performance, can we go with you?" Namjoon asks.

"What? No, you don't need to" I quickly decline.

"Let us go with you. We want to" He pleads.

"Isn't your time better spent practicing?" I ask arching my brows at him.

"Sitting around and waiting for opportunity to knock isn't Bangtan's style! So....let us go with you"

Your right.. No matter how good your headshots looks, they don't have quiet the same effect as the real BTS.

"Manager, can I bend your ear for a minute!?"

"My ear?"

I'm confused.

Namjoon puts an ear bud in my ear.

"What do you think? I felt a bid fidgety, so I wrote a song... Okay.. I wrote 2 songs. I'd like you add a rap verse here like..." The rhythm beat of the music beams Namjoon's heart and passion straight into my soul.

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