Chapter 3 - I'm Hungry!

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"Good. It seems you have finally managed to find your way here. I trust it wasn't too difficult for you?" Talia asked a rather distressed looking Percy, who showed up about two hours later.

"Yeah... not like this place covers about half a bajillion acres or something. With no maps. Or people who can give clear instructions."

"Hm." Talia appeared to be amused at Percy's antics. Which Percy noticed with a pout.

"Now, sit down. We have much to discuss."

"Sure. So... first, I am only staying here, because the NYPD deemed it 'safe enough', I don't really know how, but it's only until my mom is found. Then, adios, amigos!"

"We will come to that. You are staying here temporarily. During which time, you will join the league of shadows and learn how to fight appropriately with a sword- katana, and learn martial arts to the best capability possible. You will be tested as well. When your mother is found... we will have to come to an understanding as to what will happen then. What do you propose? I suggest you remain a part of the league, so then I will not have to act against you in any way."

"I think that if I do join this league, I will be allowed to leave whenever I please, on the condition I do not relay any of the information I learn to anybody except those who are in the higher ranks of the league. You may not call me on any missions after I do leave- as if I never joined. Capiche?"

"Understood." Talia said, gazing at Percy with Emerald eyes.

"Good. Deal, then." Percy said, stretching out her hand.

Talia took it.

"Now. Your training, begins now."


"Yes. Is there anything that needs to be done prior to that?"

"Not's just... I'm hungry!" Percy said with a big pout.

"And you will get a wholesome meal after training. I assure you."

"But I'm hungry!!" Percy whined, arms out, as if she were a five year old, throwing a temper tantrum.

"Percy. Do not test me."

"Ok...fine...." Percy said, dragging out the word.

"Now. First, you will tell me all that you already know, Perseus Jackson"

"Alright. I know basic Greek sword fighting, Roman too...I also know little of Kendo and fencing. For martial arts... I know karate and boxing - from the many schools I've gone to. Also my summer camp. Which I will still attend, in the summer, by the way."

Talia did not appear to be very surprised. Instead she seemed slightly... disappointed at the list of skills.

"If that's all... You going to the camp depends on how quickly you pick up what you're taught. Which camp do you go to? I need to do some research beforehand."

"Delphi Strawberry Summer Camp for Special Kids."


Camp. Percy had cut ties with camp. Well... not really, but she didn't quite seem to communicate with anybody. The last thing she knew about camp was the they were cleaning up after the crazy war that cost her friend Leo his life. The only other person she had kept tabs on was Annabeth, Percy's best friend was getting her architecture college degree in New Rome- not Percy, since she missed the last two years of high school [off being kidnapped] and was being held back. Boo hoo. Percy didn't talk to Annabeth either, though. She had decided to stay away from the Greek world. At least for a bit. She still used her powers, since she couldn't get rid of them. And they made life more convenient, but that was it. She worked more on her form and trying to get into the league.

She had school and she was to be an assassin. Because her weird assassin aunt that managed to evade the law was interested in recruiting her to their cult. Because her mother and Paul were missing.

Percy suddenly felt guilty a second later for even thinking that. How could she feel angry at her parents when they were kidnapped, if even alive? It wasn't their fault, surely.

"So... what made you so interested in me in the first place?" Percy questioned suddenly, remembering what Talia had said earlier.

"Oh... well, it's obvious that you were trained, from your stance to posture to some of your mannerisms, but I think it was mainly because I found it beneficial for the league to recruit a demigod. Especially one of the most powerful ones in history, one of the seven heroes, Perseus Jackson, the Daughter of Poseidon." Talia responded with a sly smile.

Percy stilled, she could hear her the blood rushing in her ears. And then-


"How in the Hades do you know about that? Who are you and what do you want with me?" Percy growled, pinning Talia to the wall, sword under throat, her eyes dark with fury, hair flying, features reassembling themselves to show a face full of rage.

And all she got in response was a smirk.

A/N Sorry it's so short today.

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