Chapter 36 - Memories feel like death

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"Thanks." Percy said, exhaling, realising that she had been holding her breath.

"No problem." Red Hood said, as he knocked the guy down. There were more coming. From everywhere. All over the entire factory. So many people. Would they have to fight them all?

'What about my parents? Nora?', Percy thought. She couldn't help but feel slightly betrayed. It was obvious that Mr. Freeze had absolutely nothing to do with the ambush, but the fact that she just walked into a trap was stinging her pride. And making her worry about her parents.

If there was a trap set, it means that Scarecrow had expected their arrival. And that meant he knew she wanted them back. Would he really keep them alive?

"Watch out! Maelstrom! Now is not the time to be lost in your thoughts. You remember our conversation from earlier? Regarding your cousin and you blanking out in the middle of a fight? YOU CAN NOT DO THAT!" Talia yelled, as she fought, fist against fist with two masked goons. It was clear she was winning. But there were more people.

"That's right." Percy mumbled, "I need to fight."

And so she did. Percy raised a hand to protect her face, and unsheathed her sword. She was ready to bring hell to Earth. She was going to show them power. She was going to find her parents.

But there were just too many. Even with Ja-Red Hood, Robin, Talia and Percy herself- four extremely talented and skilled and powerful individuals, the enemy just seemed endless. Where did Scarecrow get so many people. Why did these people seem so familiar. Like- like people she knew.

Knew, from before- before their deaths, before the war, before everything that ever happened had happened. Was it a coincidence that the one she was fighting right now seemed so similar to Silena Beauregard? Or that the one Talia just knocked over had the exact same frame as Beckendorf? The same eyes?

The world was hazy. White fog pouring in from thin air. Maybe Percy was seeing things. But she didn't think she was. No, she thought she was dead. Again. What other explanation could be there? These people couldn't come back, even with the pit. It'd been far too long. And their bodies were burned. Percy had to be dead. She had to be.


Percy. Perseus. Perrrrcyyyyyyyy. Do you remember me?

That voice- that voice. She could hear him whispering in her ears. His blue eyes. Sandy hair. That scar- he called it ugly, but it only made him more handsome. She had liked him once, before Annabeth. Before everything happened. Who wouldn't? He was charming, sweet. Caring.

She couldn't deny it. She had to be dead.

Because standing in front of her, with a gun to her head, was none other than Luke Castellan.

And now it was just her. The others had disappeared. Lost into the fog that surrounded her and the many people she called her friends.

'I'm definitely dead.' Percy thought, as she dropped her sword, staring at Luke.


"Percy. You remember me, don't you? You haven't forgotten me, have you? What about the others?"

"What about us, Percy? Did you forget us?" they chorused. Percy felt a chill pass through her. It was gaunt, dark, and it felt like absolute doom.

"NO-NEVER! I'll never forget you guys. I missed you guys so so much," , Percy's voice broke.

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