Chapter 28 - "You know me, and now I know you"

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"Tim!" Percy said, rushing into the safe room, looking around, before her eyes finally landed on the boy. He had a grimace painted over his face as Bruce cleaned the wound.

"Wait let me help! I'm good at this- I... I can help stitch the wound, or clean it, or something! i have... experience."

"Priscilla! Thank god you're alright!" Bruce said, sighing in relief, "You should go home-"

"I can't- Vivi is out for tonight, and she has the keys. I gave her mine because I didn't feel the need to keep it on me, which was very dumb, in hindsight. I said I'd be staying over, so... I kind of have to. Besides, I can help. Hold on, Tim, give me your hand."

Tim looked very hesitant in the moment

"Oh don't look at me like that... my first step dad... well, I've been patching up wounds a while. And, I was made head counsellor of my cabin at camp, so I have to know first aid. Trust me!", Percy exclaimed, taking the cotton swab and wiping it over the wound, before taking a pair of tweezers and removing the bullet, very, very carefully. She then picked up a needle and some  suture and began quick, easy stitches. After knotting the stitch, she pulled out some bandages and wrapped up Tim's arm in a cast, before making a makeshift sling with her jacket. To say she was an expert at this would be a total understatement. After Annie had gotten stabbed in the Battle of Manhattan, Will had mandatory first aid classes for all demigods at camp.

"Priscilla...that's not bad. You said something about your first step dad?"

"He's gone. He died. A mugging incident. I know it's insensitive, but I would be lying if I said I was sorry he was out of our lives. My mum stayed with him for me. He hurt her. He hurt me. HE's gone now, though. So no point on feeling bad about it. It was years ago. I have another step dad. He's way cooler. He and mum are missing though. They were kidnapped. I don't even know if they're alive... that's why I'm with my aunt! Well... I was living with her, but I moved in with her bestie and now, my bestie, Vivi."

"Oh. Well that's... erm. Your roommate's name is Vivi?"


"Right. Well, you're welcome to stay here for the night, if you feel safe here."

"Yeah, I'm cool. It's fine."

"Alright." Bruce agreed, nodding.

"Thanks for helping me with the stitches, Priscilla!" Tim said, managing a slight smile.

"Yup. And it's a good thing I'm staying, because everybody and their mother knows that Alfred will need help clearing out all that glass tomorrow." Percy said, remembering the fallen chandeliers, champagne glasses and the broken window through which the Joker entered.


"So... um, I suppose this is where I say good night? Or is there anything else I can do? Is anybody hungry? I make a mean cheese sandwich..."

Jason snorted in the back before shaking his head.
Tim stared at him oddly before shaking his as well.

"Nah, it's alright Priscilla, we're good. Good night!" Dick said, with a tired wave of his hand.

"O-kay then, see you guys tomorrow, I guess." Percy said, waving slightly before turning down the hall to get to her butler room. Which was still a mess from the earlier escapade. Her stuff was thrown about the room. Damian really had been in a rush.

'I suppose this is where the last bomb was...'

Percy looked under the bed to find a small clipping of red wire.


She stood and stretched, before packing all her belongings back into her bag. She prayed that Damian hadn't seen anything he wasn't supposed to. Like a certain locket with a picture of her, Talia and Shiva in it. That would be disastrous.

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