Chapter 16 - of teddy bear aprons and exploding soup.

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Percy was bored. Yet again. She'd been going to the Wayne Manor every other day for work. It was pretty normal. The house was usually peaceful, except when the select few [consisting of Tim and Damian] were in the house. There was always a mess to clean if they were. Percy hadn't gotten around to meeting Jason in his civilian form just yet, and hadn't met Richard at all.

"Miss Pricilla!" Alfred called on the intercom they had for communication- Percy deemed it way to hard to search for Alfred in the manor ever time she had something to ask for.

"Yes, Alfred, how can I help you?"

"Would you come to my study please?"

"Of course, I'll be there in five minutes- I'm downstairs right now."


Percy quickly grabbed the mop she had been dancing with, turned off the music playing on her phone- something she did when nobody was around. [They never said that she couldn't, so...]

She rushed up the stairs, nearly tripping over her trousers and she leaned against the doorframe of Alfred's office, panting slightly.

"What did you need, Alfred?"

"I wanted to inform you that today is the Sunday Family Dinner. And you will need to be present to help out- it tends to get a bit messy sometimes, considering the family drama- we'll pay you overtime, please inform your guardian."

"Psh. That's ok. Yeah, sure, and just so you know, I don't have or need a guardian, I'm twenty- what I do have is a roommate who'll be ecstatic I'm out of the house for the night. What time will I be off?" Percy said, cooly.

„I feel it would be best if you stayed overnight, actually, as it is much too dangerous for a young woman like yourself to be walking out and about the Gotham streets so late at night. Would that be alright?"

"Uh... yeah. Except I don't have any spare clothes here, so... I could go home and get some while going shopping for the groceries, is that alright?"

"Yes, that will be fine."

"Alright, great!"


Percy had just gone to the grocery store, driving a sleek black limo- even though there were no passengers, bought all the items on the list, and a few more that she knew, from experience, the boys would want.

She popped by her place, told Shiva about the on-goings, took a sleepover bag, and headed back to the manor.

"Hey Alfred! I got everything, and my stuff. So now what should I do?"

"Come back to the Manor, Priscilla, you will help me prepare and set up dinner, after which you will be introduced to the young masters whom you haven't already met."

"Okay, I'll be there in ten."


Percy had spent the past two hours cooking with Alfred in the kitchen, something that was not only fun but also new, as she had never ever made Mexican food before.

"Mex?" Percy had asked Alfred in surprise, when he told her they were making tacos and burritos and churros and all sorts of other 'os' from scratch.

"Yes- it is one of the family's common favorites. Will that be alright for you?"

"Yeah sure, as long as I know what I'm doing."

"Then let's begin."

And with a flourish, Alfred seemingly produced two matching teddy bear aprons out of thin air.

"Oh dear". Percy mumbled, eyeing the apron as if it were about to explode.

"Well, come on! That food won't cook, itself will it?"

Percy rolled her eyes before yanking the apron off the counter and putting it on, a grimace on her face.


Percy had soon come to realize, that no matter how good at cooking as she was, Alfred didn't seem satisfied. He was truly a monster when it came to instructions in the kitchen.

"Watch the Pozole! It's starting to boil! The recipes said to let it heat but not boil! Take it off the stove before it explodes!"


"Well... he didn't say that exactly, but I get the idea!" Percy mumbled into the phone, ranting to Shiva about how tedious cooking with Alfred was compared to cleaning for him.

"Priscilla! Come, we must set the table now."

"Yes, sir."

"Oh calm down will you? Now that the food is cooked, we must simple set the table before relaxing till the masters come home."

"Ok, sure, cool." Percy said, knowing that she would be traumatized from that one experience alone.

"I must say, you were much more competent than I had expected, you deserve a pat in the back." Alfred said, taking out five plates and setting them around the long dining table, "pass me those forks will you, Priscilla? Thank you."

Percy was flattered. And slightly hurt. If that was better than expected, then what was he used to, and just how bad did he think she was?

"Right, no problem", patting her shoulder before passing the forks.

"Good. Now that we are done, I have some more work to finish- you may take a break in the Butler room I assigned to you earlier- where you will be staying tonight. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, cool."

"Alrighty. Keep your earpiece in so that I can inform you of when the masters arrive for dinner"

"Okay, sure!"


Percy trudged down the stairs to her 'assigned' room.

'That was exhausting. Would I be able to fit in a fifteen minute nap before those boys show up?'

The butler room was simple, empty, and decently sized.

'Not bad... at least the bed is comfy...'

To say she fell dead asleep the minute she hit the bed would be an understatement.

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