Chapter 13 - "I didn't even know"

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She couldn't help it. With those words, Percy sat down against the wall of the laundry room in Wayne Manor and cried. She sobbed and sobbed, for she hadn't cried in two years, and the emotions that had piled up, were all let out with the final blow. Her cousin was dead, and she didn't even know.


"Priscilla, have you finished with th-" Alfred abruptly stopped when he entered the laundry room. Whatever he was expecting to see, it was not a twenty year old girl passed out on the floor, tear stains all over her face and drops all on her clothes. Unsure of what to do, he simple chose to wake up the young girl.

"Priscilla, Priscilla, wake up. I think you might have passed out. Whatever happened?"

"Hm? Oh- Alfred." Percy hiccoughed, before realizing what she has doing in front of her boss, "Oh no."

Percy quickly stumbled to her feet, and leant against the wall and cought her breath. 

"I wasn't sleeping, I swear. I just... I just was waiting for the washing machine, when an old friend friend called. We haven't talked in years, caught up a bit- she told me- She told me my cousin brother was dead. He died two years ago and I didn't even know about it, I am such a horrible relative, I can't image how Thalia must've felt, oh I should've been there for her. And it's all my fault. If I had been there to help out Ap-Fred, then he wouldn't have gone to my cousin and my cousin wouldn't have died!" Percy was rambling. She was a horrid mess.

"Miss Priscilla! I think you would need a moment. Let's go to a guest room, get you some water, alright?"

"Uh... uh, yes, yeah, please, I think I need to sit dow-" 

Percy had fainted, again. She was sick. All that crying had given her a nasty cold. And a murdering headache.

Percy normally wasn't so dramatic, or a faint of heart, but the sudden news of Jason, Jase, her cousin, her Sparky rival in friendly competitions and spars, had died, because Apollo needed help, and she wasn't there for him to ask, something in her had broke. This was different, from all the times that she blamed herself. It was different from Bianca's situation. Oh gods, this was just like Bianca's situation. She got a cousin's sibling killed. She got her cousin killed. Again. 

All Percy could see right now was darkness. Was she sleeping? 


'What?' Percy thought bitterly. 'Can't I cry in peace, old man?'

"Priscilla, wake up! Are you alright?"

"uh.. yeah, I-I" Percy opened her eyes to a concerned Alfred. 

She was sitting on a chair, he offering a glass of water. She accepted.

"Sorry, Alfred, sir. I think I might've caught a light sniffle."

"I'll get you some cough syrup. Now tell me from the beginning, what happened? You were quite a sight when I stumbled upon you, in the laundry room."

"Ah.. it's nothing. I just got a shock. Was startled by the news. A cousin who I am extremely close to... he died. Two years ago, actually, but I didn't know. His name..."

Alfred looked at her, urging her to go on.

"Jason. We called him sparky, because he once put his finger in a socket and got electrocuted. He was fine when I left camp, after mom went missing, I didn't even think of this happening..."

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