Chapter 32 - The Lady in Green

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Enter: Talia al Ghul


It'd been a while since Talia had a mission where she had to dress up. She didn't hate the occasion. Dressed in a rather revealing Green velvet dress. It was long, granted, but had a plunging neckline, a slit, and was missing some fabric near the hip-line. It was gorgeous. 

Obviously, only the best for the al Ghuls, even if it was just a club dress. Here she was, the Head of the Demon, walking into the den of the Joker. A kingdom of cards indeed. And she was here to blow it down.

"Hey sweetie, what can I get you?" a drunk man slurred to her, smirking as he eyed the assassin up and down.

She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"For me? Nothing. But I suggest you get yourself some dignity. Before I kill you. Where's the Joker? Or the lady he's courting. The Harley Quinn? I wish to speak to her. Lady to lady, if you get what I mean." Talia said, eyes ready for blood to spill. The man backed off, disgruntled and mildly angry, as he pointed towards the stage.

"Of course- that harlot would love showing herself off to the world. Even when she's being courted." the lady in green said, as she rolled her eyes. She sat down at an empty table, waiting for the dancer in question to finish her performance so that they could talk. 


About two hours later-

"Miss. Quinzel. It's a pleasure to meet you." Talia said, extending a hand to the blond.

Harley sat down, not taking the hand, twisting some of her hair as she licked her lips and grinned manically. 

"Tals! What can I do for ya?" 

'Ugh that Gods-Awful accent of hers' Talia thought, shivering.

"Well, I need some information."

"Information. Hm... Bout what?! Also- ya need to pay me, ya know."

"Indeed. I need information regarding a woman who's gone missing. A year and a half ago. Sally Jackson. Is she still alive? And where is she being kept? I know you were involved."

"HAa... if ya asked for anyone else, I mighta been able to help ya. But it's too bad. That girlie's off limits."

"Must I remind you of what the League is capable of?"

"You wouldn't. Not with me."

"And why is that? I know you're a sinner. An evildoer. I have no restrictions against killing the evil."

"Ya know Joker hates people touching his things. And you wouldn't want war with the Joker. He's got people, a lot of them. You lot might be good, but only the Bat messes with the Joker."

Talia paused, leaning back in her seat. Indeed, the league had never messed with the Joker before. For multiple reasons, few regarding Batman and the Red Hood, but particularly because it was true. The league didn't want to go to war with the Joker. Of course, they had the resources, manpower and skill to eradicate all of the Joker's minions and him himself, but the Joker was a wild-card. One that was just beyond a line of those they dealt with. So no. Talia couldn't kill Harley. But then how would she get her information?

"Ok, Harley. Fair. Then, what can you tell me? Surely you don't have any strings attached to the kidnapper. And it's obviously not the Joker. If it was, we'd know by now. Tell me what you can. I'll deal with the rest... in other ways."

"Hmm. You're an interesting woman, Tals. Why'dya care about some rando off Manhattan?"

"She's my sister. Salana al Ghul is Sally Jackson. So whatever you did to her, believe me, I will pay it back. I know other ways to inflict pain on people than death and torture. Particularly- the Joker can't quite kill me, or start a war, if he's dead, can he?" Talia said, smirking evilly, as Harley's expressions began to fall. 

Her face was now stone cold, as she stared right back at Talia.

"She's alive. That's all i can tell you. They're both alive, the guy we took with her is alive too. I don't know how long it'll stay like that. So if you're going to do anything, you'd better do it fast." Harley finally replied, her accent gone. She was serious. Dead serious.

"Fine. Pleasure doing business with you, Miss Quinzel. Perhaps, I'll be seeing you around."

"Alrighty! Seeya Tals!" Harley said, back to her normal character, as she bounded back up the stairs onto the stage, "Sorry for being gone too long, folks! The Harlequin is BACK IN THE HOUSE!!!"

Talia looked at the stage one more time, as her eyes narrowed. She couldn't avoid the Joker forever. She'd let them be for now, but later, once Salana was found, she'd get him. She'd make him pay for his crimes.

Yes, as the daughter of Bellona, she could make others strong. But Talia's best skill was bringing them down. Because once she set her mind to something, nothing would get in the way. 

After all, the Lady in Green was fit to be an empress. She was born to rule- she was born for war.


A/N Hey guys, hope you liked today's chapter. [It's a TALIA chapter, yay]. We didn't get to ten comments, but whatever, like I said, I hate when authors hold chapters hostage, so since I just finished writing this one, I thought eh, lemme just upload it anyways. DISCLAIMER: Talia's attitude towards Harley Quinn dancing on stage as a stripper in the club is not meant to offend people, since it is a profession, and I don't mean to be rude in any way. This is only as such because Talia is a bit old fashioned. While I do try to make her kinder, I can't quite rewrite her character ENTIRELY. Moving on- SO glad for the comments that I got on the previous chapter [not ten, but nine's perfectly fine too!], I love reading what you guys say- even if it's not really much. So thank you guys so much for that, I really appreciate it. Sally and Paul are alive- it's been confirmed. What do you guys think? 


My schedule's really going to free up a bit more soon, so I'll be writing a lot more frequently, which is great!. Anyways, vote, comment, tell me what you think about this chapter, and have a great day or night wherever you are!!!

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