Chapter 35 - Trap

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While Tim caught up on the entire mission, Percy and her group were currently road racing their way to Arkham Island. The GPS system was still blinking, and in the same spot, so the signal hadn't gotten messed up or deactivated. 

Which was quite odd, considering that the militia must have noticed Freeze missing from his little cell. Percy was thankful however, that the signal was still up, because it was only a matter of half an hour before she found her parents. Something she truly looked forward to. 


"Ok, we're here. I think it would be best to do the next fifty meters on foot though, so that we're not heard or seen." Talia said, as she parked her motorcycle.

"Yes, I think so too." Percy agreed.

"Alright." Red Hood said, while Robin huffed, but did not object.

The place was on top of a small hill, a short walk. It looked like a sort of abandoned factory, probably one that went out of business when Arkham came in. Not many people would love to live near an asylum for the criminally insane, after all. The whole town must've up and moved to Gotham. 

"In there?" Red Hood asked, pointing towards the building.

"Well, according to the signal, yes." Percy said, while Damian replied with a, "Tt. Obviously."

"Great. So we get in, find your parents, find Nora, then leave. Capiche?" Jason asked, as he stated quite blatantly what the plan was.

"Yep!" Percy said, before starting to walk up the hill, hiding int he bushes and shadows. After all, she had no idea if there were any security cameras or not, so better to be safe than sorry.

"Now, I am sure that the building is guarded. It would make no sense to take hostages, and give out their live location unless the building is heavily guarded. And I mean an intense security system. Ten to twenty guards to a hallway, and perhaps some security devices- lasers, drones." Talia said, Percy nodding in agreement.

"That's right. So we need to stay hidden. Can't take a risk of anybody seeing us and then accidentally killing another person in panic or whatever." 

"Tt. Fine. So can we go?" Damian said, impatiently. They had been standing there and going over basic protocol when they should've been halfway up the hill by now.

Talia nodded, before continuing on her way up the hill. 

The factory was dimly lit, and not too big, but not quite small either. Strangely enough, there were no guards in sight. Not a single one.

"Wait- where is everybody?" Red Hood asked, full of suspicion, "did they somehow find out we were coming?"

"Probably. They might've expected Freeze to betray them- and moved ship elsewhere. But the only problem with that is... building doesn't look like anybody's been in it for ages. Hostages would've needed some resources, like food, water- medicine, if the scarecrow was into torture. It would do him no good if they were all dead." Percy noted.

"That's right, it looks like it's devoid of life- wait.", Talia said, pausing, staring at the metal doors, which were covered in an inch thick layer of dust and mold, "If nobody's been here, then why is there a handprint on the door? The dust should be even over here. And what about the lights? Someone has been here, but there's not a single sign of struggle, so it's unlikely the hostages were ever brought here. And that can only mean..."

The other three tensed in realisation

Percy swallowed, before speaking.

"This is a trap-" 



At the Batcave:


Batman stood up from his chair suddenly, touching his headset. There was a soft buzzing noise, like the kind that comes up when somebody hangs up on you. He tried to change the frequency of the line with no luck. There was no sound of the others on the line. Only the soft buzzing.

"Red-Robin! The comm lines have gone dead. Try to communicate with Red Hood and the others!"

Tim bustled around his computer, trying to message any of the bats' smart watches, or even try to message Priscilla on her civilian phone, which he was sure she had with her. Hopefully.


dead silence.

"No response!"

"Ok. Mr. Freeze, excuse me one minute, I must call some backup for the first team that went out. They might need some help."

Batman took out his phone to dial a number. The number rang thrice before the person on the other line picked up.

"Hello. Nightwing. I need some backup. Sending you information now. Head to that location. Red-Hood and Robin might be compromised. I'm coming as well, so is Red-Robin. The others might be in danger. Good. I'll see you there soon."

Tim quickly packed up his work and got his birdarangs and grapples ready. 

"Mr. Freeze! We need to go- the others might be in danger. Your wife might be in danger!

Mr. Freeze was up in an instant, donning his cold-gear.

"Then let's go."


A/N Really short one, so I'll upload a longer one soon. Hope you guys like it. Vote, comment, etc. Tell me what you think. Have a great day or night or in-between, wherever you are!!!

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