A/N and Discliamer

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So hey guys!

This is my second story. It's a femPercy x DC one. Um...I hope you like it! 

Also, about the cover was not drawn or illustrated by me, I found it on the internet. Don't know who did it, but creds to them. 

And about the other story I've written, Shadows, I'm taking a little break on that because of some writer's block, but I hope to get back to it soon. 

So, once again, disclaimer, I don't own pjo or the bats. They belong to Uncle Rick and DC respectively. 

So over here, Percy [Perseus Jackson] is around twenty years old. 

Damian Wayne is thirteen, Jason Todd is twenty two, Tim Drake is nineteen, Richard Grayson is twenty six. Bruce Wayne is around 45 years old, and well... Alfred is totally immortal. 

That's about it. 

MAELSTROM [femPercy x DC]Where stories live. Discover now