Chapter 34 - I know who she is!

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Not ten minutes after the others left, Red Robin burst into the Batcave, out of breath, only to see Batman and Freeze sitting by the BatComputer, the latter of the two staring at him as he heaved.

Timothy Drake had never been so grateful that he was wearing his uniform. 

"Batman. I have important information regarding Maelstrom. I figured out who she is. Also, why is Freeze here?"

"Red-Robin, while you were out on patrol, we ended up having a little meeting with Freeze and Maelstrom and Talia al Ghul. We formed a temporary alliance with them. Sit with us, we're working on recovering some stolen data. I'll get you caught up on what's going on with the others."

"Yeah-yeah sure. Did you hear what I just said though? I know who Maelstrom is. You won't believe it. I honestly can't believe how long it took, with all the hints she's been dropping."

"You can tell me if you want, but it doesn't quite matter, as she already promised on revealing her identity after this mission. Well then, who is she?"

"Um, should-should I tell you this in front of Freeze?"

Batman sighed at Tim, before leading him to the soundproof interrogation room in the Batcave. [The one Maelstrom was held in].

"B- It's her, the butler, my classmate. Maelstrom is Priscilla Jackson!"

"What?" Bruce's eyebrows shot up into his hair. He had been getting multiple surprises that day, but this was the largest one of them all, surely.

"On which basis?"

"Well, she's a twenty year old who was in an accident, moved to Gotham recently and joined Gotham Academy. Also, she's missing her mother. Also, she has an aunt named Lia. The head of the shadows is a woman named Talia. Based on her nickname Tals, it's clear that Maelstrom is close to Talia al Ghul- enough to call her a nickname at all. Aunt Lia. She was staying with her aunt in the mountains. That means her mother is Talia's sister- also why Talia is helping find her. She's Damian's cousin! All this time, working in the manor- she's a girl who got into Gotham Academy despite not being very smart. If she can afford those fees, do you really think she needs a job to pay the rent of an apartment she owns? Also Vivi? Remember she said it's a nickname based on the end of her friend's name- Va. Her aunt's friend's name. Shiva. It might be a stretch, but I really don't think it is. She came here to see Damian- she wasn't actually supposed to, but she wanted to. She's been dropping hints all this time! I'm still so shocked it took this long to notice. I should've known the moment she walked into our class. New in town, black hair, twenty, accident, held back, Gotham Academy!"

Batman was silent, taking in all this information.

"It seems that you've done a good job, Tim. But she's not here right now. She's out with Talia, Jason and Damian. They're getting Nora and her parents back."


"I told you, we formed an alliance. We're working with them on this case. Sit down, let me explain it all to you. Scarecrow was the one behind all this, so the mission might get a little out of hand, which is why I also have backup ready. However, if they manage to keep away from the scare-spray, then it'll be very easy to take Scarecrow down. And Maelstrom- Priscilla said that she'd explain everything once they're back. About her history, past, and 'falsely accused juvenile record'."

"Ok." Tim said, pausing, "So what do I do now? Should I go help them- or should I help you recover information?"

"Stay here. We also need somebody to act as defence in case there are any normal crimes around Gotham. Besides, I'm sure Freeze wouldn't mind extra help on his research."

"About the cryo-chamber? And the cure? I can try helping, I don't know much about biochemistry, but I'll give it a shot, I guess. Just- can you please keep me in the loop next time? It gets a bit tough when you have no idea what's going on. Especially when you're the person who knows the 'so called villain' the most." Tim said, sighing.

"Alright. I'll tell you about whatever alliance we form next time, I'm sorry about that. I did kind of forget about you- since you were on that other mission you took."

"Wow, really feeling the love, Batman." Tim said, smiling sharply, "now, let's get back to Freeze- I don't trust him alone in the Batcave."

"Me neither." Bruce agreed, as they walked back out.

Red Robin walked to the computer and stretched a hand out to Freeze.

"Hello Mr. Freeze, Iceman extroidanaire. I'm Red Robin. I'll be helping you with your research."


The hand was not taken.


A/N Ok. this is a short filler cus I totally forgot about Tim. I'M SO SORRY TIMMY BOY. Anyways, it was also to give Batman a bit more information about Maelstrom- her entire identity [well, part of it]. Also to remind everybody that Tim Drake [who I forgot] actually is the world's second greatest detective in DC. The only reason I wanted him to find Percy's identity before bats is because, well, I forgot him, but also because he's in her class, and he just has more information on her civilian identity than Batman does, so it would make sense for Tim to get this one and not Batman. Either ways, the usual- vote, comment, tell me what you think about the great unearthing of the identity of maelstrom. Have a great day or night wherever you are.

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