Chapter 23 - Heroes and Villains

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Percy was still fighting Deathstroke. She could say that they were sort of evenly matched in combat, without her powers of course. That was, until his muscles appeared just grow, just a little bit. To say Percy was shocked would be an understatement. She knew he was strong, but she didn't think that he would be a meta, with strengthening powers, no less.

Slade grit his teeth as he kept on dealing blows to the young girl. From what he could tell, she was familiar with Talia, enough for personal training. She was also Talia's strongest. He could feel her strength, and could even tell it wasn't her full potential. The thought of her being stronger excited him, but also made his suspicious. If she was stronger that this, why did she hide it? Was she a meta too? This girl, Maelstrom, was a pupil with unlimited possibilities in her future. And he wanted her. He wanted her on his side. He wanted her to fight for him, and be one of his goons.

"What's Talia paying you? To work for her? I could pay more?" he offered, in hopes of gaining her alliance.

Percy, was so surprised by the offer that she stopped fighting, nearly getting cut in half by Deathstroke's blade.

"Oh gods- you, you think she pays me? Please! Nah, she taught me some stuff, we're like family. LIterally. And I would never betray anybody. So don't even think of turning me against Talia. I'd never do it. Willingly, or not. Loads of people tell me that my loyalty's the one thing that would bring the world to its knees, after all. I would destroy it for a person that I love. Talia included."

Deathstroke was annoyed. Of course, he admired her loyalty, but she was making this hard.

"If you won't join me, I'll have to kill you. You're too strong to be alive."

To his surprise, Maelstrom burst out laughing.

"The number of times i've been told that is hilarious! My uncle tried killing me, you know, since I was so strong. Dad told him no. The only reason I'm still alive is because uncle didn't want World War Three yet."

"Really? Sounds tough. Should I put you out of your misery?"

"Damn, you're bad at the villain talk thing. You just look hilarious, not going to lie." Percy's energy suddenly shifted, a murderous intent suddenly strong, "What did you do to her? Salana? What'd you do to my mother?"

"She's your mother? That's too bad... she's not got long left. My loyalty is not as strong as yours, but i'll never tell you. Just to spite Talia. Salana's not in a good spot right now. You'll never know who the others are, or where she is. Or what's going to happen to her."

Percy was getting angry. Really, really angry. She gripped her katana, knuckles now white. She was considering dropping the act and revealing her true power, in any hopes of scaring Slade into confessing, but she knew that wouldn't work. She continued fighting back, hoping that Talia would come by soon. She'd need help. She was losing control of herself. And that only ended in disaster.


Talia rushed through the woods, straining her ears for any sound of a sword, any sound of Percy or Slade.

"Talia." a gruff voice called her.

She turned to face Batman.

"What is it? Did you find her?"

Batman nodded, before pointing towards a cluster of green in the corner. Tall, long shrubs providing a curtain to block any sight of them, and the faintest sound of swords scraping against one and another audible.

Talia rushed through, pulling out her gun and firing at Slade, who dodged clumsily, clearly surprised at her sudden entrance. Batman followed, and then Red Hood and Robin.

MAELSTROM [femPercy x DC]Where stories live. Discover now