Chapter 8 - "It's hot."

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Today was Percy's official first day of her tenth school, Gotham Academy.

She had been woken awake very early, at 6 AM, with a very loud alarm blaring in her ears, courtesy of Lady Shiva. After which, she managed to get in at least an hour's worth training. Then she had breakfast, and drove herself to school.

Much to Percy's surprise, nobody seemed remotely interested in her, or her turquoise Porsche.

'Probably because they're all rich kid brats. Gods, I hope I don't have to deal with annoying kiddos this early in the morning.' Percy thought to herself.

However, she did get a look from the Administrations officer. Probably because of how she wore her uniform. Well- she was supposed to wear a shirt, tie, blazer, skirt, and shoes. So, what Percy did was this. Black leggings under her skirt - so she can fight easily if necessary. Shirt totally untucked. Tie wrapped around her shoulders. Blazer slung around her back, hanging from her fingers. Well.. she was wearing the uniform. It was simply not made for movement- and Percy was not one to me restricted.

'Must be a delinquent. No wonder she is so old, wearing our prestigious uniform... like that.' the officer thought, morosely.

"Here's your schedule, Folder, and your locker number. Please get to class on time." The lady said, wrinkling her nose.

'She probably thinks I'm some misfit' Percy thought, amused, before thanking the lady and leaving.

She sighed deeply, before taking out the special glasses she had Leo and Hazel make for her. It translated any language to greek and back. It had made her school life quite easy for the past few months.

"Hm..." Percy said aloud, looking at her schedule. English First, then Math, Biology, Chemistry, Self Study, French, and lastly, Art, "not bad at all..."

Percy, being Percy, was distracted reading her schedule and looking for her locker, that she, despite have super battle reflexes, walked straight into someone. A very tired looking someone.

"Oh my Gods! I am so, so, so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was-" Percy paused suddenly, observing the person she bumped into. None other than the famous Red Robin. Well, Timothy Drake, in civilian identity, anyways.

"No problem."

"You look kind of tired." Percy said, slightly concerned, before shaking her head, "Anyways, I'm Priscilla Jackson!"

An alias she used in all her schools after finding Talia, for safety and security measures. The league had created a whole background with a fake past just in case.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Timothy Drake, but you can call me Tim. You look kind of lost." the boy said, managing a weak, exhausted looking smile.

"Yeah.. are you alright? You seriously look dead tired."

"Nah, I'm good. Which class are you in, you're a new teacher right? You don't need to wear the uniforms- that's just for students."

Percy snorted out loud, earning a small look from Tim.

"Me, teach? Please. You jest. I'm in class 134, as a student. I was held back two years- in a bad accident."

"Oh. Is it? Cool. Your name was Priscilla Jackson, right? Cool. You're in my class, by the way. So, just follow me. Our homeroom teacher, Mr. Willins is ok. He teaches English. He's kind of old fashioned though, so warning, he may not like the way you're dressed very much."

Percy raised an eyebrow, as if daring Tim to say that her style was bad.

"N-Not that it's bad... j-just not very school environment appropriate."

"I don't see why. I'm wearing the uniform. I'm also wearing stockings as well. It should get a better response. Not to mention my obviously amazing style. I mean.. it's hot, let me be real, by hot, I mean as chic as your weird little school uniform can get."

Tim flushed a bright shade of red.

"Just... just follow me, okay?"

Percy just threw her head back and laughed, nodding for Tim to lead the way.


"Hi, I'm the new student, Priscilla Jackson, but you can call me Percy."

Percy flashed an award winning smile at the class.

And then...

"Young Lady, just what do you think you are wearing? What are you doing in my class anyways? Aren't you a bit too old for high school?"

"Hey Mr. Willins, I'm wearing the school uniform, the one that was given to me, by the way. I'm in your class because I'm your new student, as I just said. Yeah, I was held back two years, get with the times already" Percy said, mumbling the last bit under her breath.

Sadly, the fates had it in for her, and made it loud enough for the whole class to hear, earning her a large set of looks- awe, admiration, amusement from Tim, disgust, indifference, and hate. Hate from the teacher- but that wasn't the only thing she got.

Percy had just beat her record, and gotten her detention within the first ten minutes of school.


Classes seemed to pass by easily enough. She was decent at english, but was constantly picked on by Mr. Willins. She slept through math, did ok in Biology, totally rocked Chemistry- she could control all liquids with any concentration of water, after all. The acids and stuff came to her naturally. Well.. sort of. She totally aced through the surprise day one pop quiz in French - Piper had been teaching her. And art was art. She had gotten a few tips from Rachel and Nico, yes, but Percy just was not able to draw anything to save her life.

Finally, when it was time to leave, Percy got an unexpected visitor.

"Hey. Percy, right? I'm Anita. Anita Stone. I saw you earlier today, in homeroom, thought you were totally badass. Let's be friends?"

Percy was surprised to say the least when the one other girl who had any style, came up to her asking to be friends. Short blonde hair, brown eyes, and similar taste in just about everything, Percy couldn't find Anita any less perfect than she actually was. Percy stood up, linked their arms and began walking to the door

"I'm down. By the way, I love the way you wear your uniform. Like mine. It's totally hot."


And that was the start of a beautiful friendship.

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