Chapter 43 - Three Words For The Three Fates

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Percy stood, as she watched the fire slowly diminish. Of course, Talia being Godly blood meant that her shroud would not create a huge large-scale fire, but rather quietly fade away with a soft smell lingering behind. 

Percy was struggling. Talia had just died. Of course, from experience, she knew that she had to finish her mission before grieving. Wasting time could result in the death of more than one person. And that was the last thing she wanted.

Her mask had been long forgotten on the floor, and she looked at everybody- including Mr. Freeze, who she just remembered was also present. She'd use the mist to erase his memories later. But for now..

"I'll go check the roof." Percy said, emotionlessly, her voice was croaky from all the crying.

"I'll come with you. Mr. Freeze too." Red Hood quickly added, before telling the others to help Damian and clear the area. Jason walked up the remaining flight of stairs silently, giving Percy a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. Too bad it had little to no effect. 

The intention was nice, however, Percy decided, before cracking the smallest smile at him.

'We'll talk later', she mouthed, 'Along with your family. I have stuff to tell you guys.'

He nodded in silence, before stopping behind Mr. Freeze.

"Red hood, if you could do the honors, with that above average Lazarus strength of yours." Mr. Freeze said snidely, "I must say, I'm rather touched you guys trust me with your identities, but I don't know-"

He fell silent as jason yanked the door open, nearly bending the handle in half. He had always been strong. Now he was just stronger.

The three of them walked out onto the roof. 
Percy stared at the view. It wasn't similar to the glorious one from Gotham Academy. It was shorter, smaller, darker, and colder. The harsh wind blew against them, as they stared onto the Trigate Bridge and Arkham Island.

"okay. Where the hell is she?" Mr. Freeze demanded, looking angry, "This can't possibly be another ruse, right? Scarecrow's dead. Most of his men are, too."

"Hmf" came a soft sound from behind them. 

The three whirled around to face a small rooftop shed.

"There's our answer then," Percy said, as she opened the door to show the faces of two people, each tied up in a chair with gags in their mouths, and then a large time-capsule sort of looking thing, with frost covering the edges. That would be Nora, she assumed. 

"Cover your noses, there's Fear Toxin here. Red Hood, you might want to put your bucket back on."

"Helmet, but whatever." he muttered, as he complied.

Percy and the other two both carried a person out each, before sighing in relief at the fact that there was no trap, bomb or trigger wire in place. Percy was happy, she was, she finally found her parents, but she couldn't help but feel guilty. And sad. She'd lost Talia. Her mom would never see her sister again. Talia died helping her find her parents... of course, Sally was her sister, but she only started the search after Percy told her to.

"Mom. Paul." Percy said, her voice cracking. She couldn't cry now. The tears wouldn't fall. Percy suspected that she'd run out of them, earlier downstairs. Or maybe she was simply too exhausted to cry. 

"Mom." Percy said again, slowly becoming aware of the fact that she was feeling dizzy.


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