Chapter- 6 - 'What's YOURS?'

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Present time.

Percy opened her eyes, squinting slightly to get herself adjusted to the bright light. The navy mask that covered her eyes and the bridge of her nose did help, but not much. [She begged talia to let her have a mask so that she could feel like a superhero. Talia said no to the cape.]

The twenty year old found it hard to move, before realising that she was tied to a chair. Handcuffs, rope, duct tape and all. In front of her was a mirror- probably a two way interrogation glass one. The room was dull. Grey, black and more grey.

Standing outside the room, peeking in to check in on whether the mysterious girl had woken up yet, was Batman and Robin.

Percy yawned quite loudly before trying to speak. That's when she had her second big revelation. Her mouth was taped shut.

'Rude', she thought, trying to scoff through the tape, only ending up with a fit of coughs.

As if on time, the door opened to reveal the vigilante of the hour. And his sidekick. They walk in, and rip off the duct tape. They tried to remove the mask, but that didn't work.

'So she's like Black Mask then?' Batman thought, assuming that the mask was stuck to her face or something.

Percy winces. 'OOF. That hurts', before smirking. 

'Did they really think the mask was going to come off if I didn't want it off?'

"You're awake."

'No DUH.', Percy thought, before turning to Bruce [Batman, actually].

"Ayy, Bruce Wayne, how's it going, man?"

"How do you know our identities?"

"I'm with the league."

"Noted. Who are you?"

"Maelstrom. Cool, right? Definitely cooler than BAT-MAN."

"What's your name?" Robin asked, slightly frustrated.

"What's YOURS?", Percy quipped back, smiling goofily.

"You already know that, I'm sure, if you're truly from the league. Why are you here? What is the league's plan? We are not afraid to use other methods for interrogation." He growled, sliding the katana from the sheath, only to be told off by Batman.

"Robin, not yet. Wait. Who sent you here."

"Nobody. I'm not supposed to be here. I'd probably get grounded if Tals knew."

"Talia? Are you another child of hers?"

"Not really." Percy said wrinkling her nose and pursing her lips, "But... nevermind."

'I can't tell them that I think of Talia as a mother, definitely not replacing mom, or anything, but similar. Cus they're sisters and stuff. They'd think I'd have gone all loony and put me in Arkham.'

"She knows Talia enough to call her... 'Tals'. Must be in the higher ups. Around my level, or even beyond. Even I am not allowed to call her any other names but her own." Robin spat, the name Tals, spoken in the most bitter tone any human being could possibly ever use. 

'Ah, but then again, he's not really... human. He's a legacy. Of Bellona. I bet all the monsters look like villains or something to them', Percy thought, snorting out loud and receiving scathing looks from the heroes.

"Oh, I'm not allowed to call her that either, but rules never work out for me. Besides, Tals is a bit more chill now, since that she's met me."

"So you've just met her." Batman said, as if he managed to trick an answer out of Percy. She only watched amused.

"Not true! I've known her about a year or two, or maybe three, or seven." She said, grinning widely.

Batman clenched his fists. Never in his life had he met anyone as... infuriating. Except... perhaps, the Joker. Perhaps.

"What is your motive for coming here?"

"Hm? Well, as you already know, I'm on school break from the league, but got expelled, so my new school is Gotham Academy, sucky, right? It's the only one that I haven't already gone to. Anyways, Tals said I should learn to be independant already, living alone and stuff, being twenty years old and all. Besides. I'm just here to see the fam."

"The family? You're related to us? The only way that is possible is if you were Talia's child."

'Not really.' Percy thought, cringing, at her slip up- she wasn't supposed to mention her relation to Talia, ever, to anyone. 'It would make her a target', after all, and even worse, since she was already a demigod.

"What, pfft. No! I'm here to see the BAT-fam" Percy lied through her teeth, well, half lied. She did want to see the Bat fam. No one was supposed to know about her being Talia's niece. Not even her darling cousin, who was standing in front of her with the most distrusting look on his face.

"Tt-. You won't be going to will be going to jail for now. To keep you off the grid. We don't know if your a threat or not. Also, your twenty, you shouldn't be in high school."

"Oh come on! I've already been held back two years, I'm not gonna sit back another." Percy said rolling her eyes, before slipping out of her ropes with ease, "And  who said anything about me staying?"

She snorted, before jumping onto the back of the chair, and leaping onto the first floor of the batcave. She ran, sneaking along the walls, listening to Batman and Robin panic over an escaped 'hostage'. 

Smirking, she dropped a small camera onto the groove in a screw in the wall. Waving her hand lightly, the mist covered up the camera, and mist travelled out of the cave.

And as the two vigilantes tried to find the escapee in vain, much to their frustration, failed to notice the almost invisible, minute, dim green light blinking silently, watching them from above.

MAELSTROM [femPercy x DC]Where stories live. Discover now