Chapter 5 - Hey, Talia?

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"Alright Percy, meet your trainer, Lady Shiva. She's one of the best in the league, and she will guide you while teaching you some more martial arts."

When Percy was first told she was getting an instructor, she did not imagine this totally badass, buttkicking woman in front of her to fit the bill.

The woman had long dark hair that was tied back in a ponytail, and wore a reddish maroon leotard like looking thing on top of some navy leggings. She had straps all over her biceps and thighs, holding an assortment of different weapons. In other words... she was awesome, at least in Percy's book.

"Nice to meet you... er, what exactly do I call you? Like... Lady, or Shiva, or Teacher or something?" Percy asked awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Hm. Shiva will do. It is a pleasure to be of your acquaintance."

Percy paused. So maybe she was a little old fashioned. Percy knew she was going to change that. Lady Shiva was going to become her best friend in this ancient place.

"Right. You can call me Percy. "

"Understood. Now, I am told you have a basic understanding in few martial arts, and few swordsmanship techniques, is that correct?"

"Well.. yeah, I can do shit."

Lady Shiva paused and looked at Talia, almost as if saying,

'Doesn't this seem slightly familiar?'


Percy had been training for a week so far, and it was hectic.

Constantly busy. 

She had to wake up at six AM in the morning, take ten laps of the whole compound, which was about three times as big as the Central Park. With weights. To improve speed and stamina. Then, she had to go to the training room, and start stretching before working on her flexibility and evasion skills- basically, acrobatics and sparring. and that was just the work to be done before breakfast.

After breakfast, she had a small break to digest her food, during which she went to school. A small one in the area. A regular public school. As soon as classes were over [she was only allowed to go for about three hours- they paid the school to not notice her missing for the rest of the day], she had to go back to the compound and continue training. This was when she learnt the new martial arts. With Lady Shiva. After which, she had lunch. Then she had to work on homework, and got league briefings. Even if she didn't go on missions, it was her duty as the 'backup heir' [despite her being older than the actual heir] to know everything about the league.

Then, she had etiquette classes, and stealth classes, where she learnt how to go undercover and be covert.  Then, she worked on her powers with Talia, privately. She learnt how to control her breathing and power a little bit better. A kind of way to spread the power throughout her body, as if it were moving with her blood, [Because it was].

"Hey Talia...?" Percy asked, suddenly out of the blue.

"Yes, Perseus?"

"What is all this training for, when do you think I'm going to be ready to 'join the league'?"

"Not yet, it is too soon. At least a month more. And you must pass the test. You are very good. Unlike a few others, you would need three months at most, when there are other who take years to get ready for the league.  And even when you do join the league, you first few missions would be covert, to get you used to the system. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." Percy said, holding her head up, looking Talia in the eye, before smirking. 

She got a roll of eyes in reply.

Strangely, Percy seemed to like Talia more and more the longer she spent with her. Strangely, since she couldn't stand the woman at first. Perhaps it's because Talia was her relative. Or because she was just used to her. Or because Talia reminded Percy of an older version of herself. Hardened by war. Strong. Powerful. A woman put in the place of leadership, by her heritage. Talia reacted to it differently, yes, thinking of her title as a good thing, however it was essentially the same. Talia was only the way she was right now because she was raised that way. Percy couldn't imagine what her life would have been like if she were raised by Poseidon and the gods instead of her mom. She probably would have completed about a bajillion quests by the time she was twelve years old. Not to mention that Talia probably had to do those too, since she was a demigod as well. She could relate. To a certain extent. 

"Hey Talia?"

"What is it? You are supposed to be concentrating on the flow of your power."

"Yeah, yeah. I have a question. If I do become an assassin agent thingy, can we not mention my name, or can I take an alias?"

"Yes... may I ask why, however?"

"You guys won't call me Percy, and I just hate the name Perseus. It's a boy's name. And it's ancient, long and totally cringey. I'd go by some super cool name... like... something water related, about... Wave?"

"Your vocabulary is very limited. May I suggest one? how about Thalassa? That means ocean in greek, as you already know, I'm sure. Or Maelstrom? It is a vigorous and violent current or whirlpool. I thought it fit you, since you have an uncanny way of drawing the most unlikely people into your life."

"That's... true. Sure, yeah, why not? Maelstrom sounds cool. It definitely sounds cooler than WAVE. Wave sounds cringey in comparison." Percy pouted.

"Enough of that. Focus on your training."

"Yes sir, ma'am, sir!"



Percy opened an eye, to stare at Talia who was sitting in front of her, arms crossed, as if in meditation.

"Hey Talia?"

"Perseus! What is it now?! I am a minute away from losing my patience!"

", can you please call me Percy?"

"-Tt. Focus on your work, and I'll consider it."


Let's just say that Percy interrupted Talia's training session no more.

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