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❝ My story isn't one meant to be told. ❞ 

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     "I walked through the darkness, and that's when I knew my time had come."

          A navy blue sky, the stars were absent and couldn't shine their light or illuminate her in this endless darkness. The young and broken spirit walked in the long hallway, not entirely aware of where she found herself. Her mind had floated away, leaving her purposeless in a place she had lost her own identity.

     Her footsteps echoed on the path of golden sparkles made for her, the sound bouncing against the walls of this empty place. It was easy to comprehend this place, as well as the area surrounding it, were completely deserted, far away from civilization. Still, the young girl couldn't figure out the reason to her presence here.

          Until, the silence became her wish as thousands of voices filled it. She hadn't been prepared to welcome them, clutching her head between her hands while the loud sounds caused only suffering to her. Everything was too loud.

     Her throat ached as a pained shout escaped it. The girl crumbled on the ice cold floor, her hand gripping her chest. The voices were satisfied to see her pain, but the loudest one, their leader, wasn't content enough yet. It amplified, the others following its example.

          "Stop!" the young girl pleaded, feeling as if her ears were imploding.

     With one hand on her fragile head and another clawing her chest, she listened to the laughs that were her response. They were maniac and sadistic, worse than the monsters she had grown up around. But, maybe these were her own monsters living inside her mind she knew was messed up.

          Once the place quieted down, the lead voice spoke up, "Give up now, and give us your powers. You're too weak to bear them."

     The girl didn't reply, the agony was stronger than her will to beg for this to cease at once. Her body felt as if her own flames were burning her skin, and she swore if it wasn't for the strong woman who had raised her, she would have given up.

          "Give us your powers!" the voice ordered, its tone growing in influence and power.

     In an attempt to comfort herself, the young girl closed her eyes and hummed the song her mother used to sing every night before she got succumbed by her dreams. The lyrics were the only comfort she had right then, while the golden trail under her feet blew itself in the shadowed air.

          And then, suddenly, time had come to a slow stop. The voices were morphing into mere whispers. Her pain was replaced by a warm sensation rushing through the girl's veins. Silence gained back its position as the master of this strange place. It sounded similar to a perfect melody in her ears.

     But it was when peace started its effect on the girl that she noticed the rays of light further away into the distance. It was like those she saw in many movies before Death accomplished its only goal.

          Her brain went on off once more as she subconsciously made her way toward the attracting and charming light. Curiosity had been one of her greatest defaults, she noticed over the years since she could never resist an adventure that would follow with a surprising discovery. She always needed to know everything, reading, searching and doing all she could to succeed.

     The voices reappeared as her feet padded against nothing. Although, these ones were softer, reassuring, but mostly familiar. They were like her mother's, the young girl soon came to realize it.

          "Go on, Lotus, do what you should do," her mother insisted.

     The girl's eyes snapped opened. Something was wrong about the tone and the use of the words. Should was not a word her mother had ever spoken, it was always replaced by would. Yet, she didn't stop in her tracks.

          Once she stood before the light, she came to a stop. As if hearing her wonders on what was needed to be done, the light began to flicker. She was partially left in the dark, making her tense as she hated not being able to catch a glimpse of anything. A gasp passed her lips each time she found herself blind.

     The light flickered faster as time flew by, as if it was growing frustrated of the waiting she caused it. But it was its mistake to expect a hard choice being made under such a short amount of time, especially as the girl was only six. Its question was important, though, and therefore it asked it one more time.

          Light or Darkness?

     People usually tended to go for the light as it often represented hope, faith and life. Yet, the girl felt a magnet pulling her toward the tempting darkness. Her choice was important, but she kept hesitating.

          As the shadows moved in sync, like a hypnotizing dance, the light itself darkened. The darkness didn't want it influencing the young girl, and therefor chose to extinguish it before the damages were done.

     Light or Darkness?

          It kept replaying in the girl's head, making her wonder what would happen if she was to choose the second option. She knew if she took the light, she was assured to come back, but what if the dark could bring her something more? Everyone taught her to be afraid of it, but what if it was better than the brightness?

     She didn't know what her doing would be, until a voice, her hope, echoed, "Wake up Lotus, please."

          A trigger she hoped it would be as her heart burned from the burden forced on her. This time, it was no trick, but truly her mother's calming voice. The free will Light and Darkness had fought to control switched then, the girl choosing for herself instead of the influences begging to have her on their side.

     She was brought back entirely, her body sore and surely bruised. Above her, hospital lights blinded her vision, but they didn't hide the relieved faces of her mother and father figure. They were sitting beside her bed, each of them holding her hands. Her family was outside, sighing in relief as they heard her steady breathing.

          The young girl allowed a smile to break out on her face as she was embraced by her mother. She ignored the voices, returning the gesture instantly.

     But it was a short moment of happiness she would learn to cherish, because no happiness could ever last if she was the girl with golden eyes.

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"My story isn't one meant to be told."

Sheila Abigail Bennett

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now