three, too many questions

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"It would be suicide, mind you."

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     News spread quickly around the camp. Considering there weren't many campers and witnesses, everyone soon became aware of the bathroom accident. For once, people murmured about someone other than Sheila. A part of her felt sympathy for Percy, who had to endure all the whispers and rumours, but she couldn't help but be glad to have the attention off of her, even with the cloudy sky. Not a single soul had asked her to get control of it, for once.

Throughout their walk around the camp, the girls showed Percy the rest of it. Sheila, once again, explained to him that mostly the Hephaestus children used the forges to craft their weapons. As she just knew he wasn't one of her siblings, she told him he wouldn't need to come there often. Then Annabeth added that he would still need something to fight, so they would probably stop by the Armory for him to let a weapon choose him. For now, they stopped by the arts-and-crafts room, but Sheila stayed far when she spotted a camper she wasn't on friendly terms with.

Afterwards, they showed Percy the climbing wall that consisted of two facing walls that shook violently, dropped boulders, sprayed lava, and clashed together if the camper didn't get to the top fast enough. Then, finally, they returned to the canoeing lake, where the trail would lead them back to the cabins. Sheila walked forward, crouching to pick a Lotus lost on the surface.

     "I've got training to do," Annabeth spoke flatly, although her eyes held amusement when she watched Sheila grow a nenuphar for the Lotus. "Dinner is at seven-thirty. Just follow your cabin to the mess hall." 

"Annabeth, Sheila, I'm sorry about the toilets," Percy apologized. 

     "Whatever." Annabeth rolled her eyes discretely. 

Sheila stayed silent as Percy claimed it wasn't his fault. Her gaze was fixed on the lake, and so was her attention. If she was honest, apart from the fact that her curls ended up wet, the toilets exploding didn't bother her. Percy did something he didn't know he could do, and she knew all about having abilities out of your control. Blaming him for that would make her a hypocrite.

     Annabeth declared then that Percy needed to talk to the Oracle. Shivers ran down Sheila's spine, the simple name reminding her of when she went into the attic. The spoken words she had heard from the Oracle a year ago tormented her every night, mixing in with her nightmares. Prophecies were complicated, but hers was as clear as day.

"Who?" the boy asked.

     "The Oracle isn't a who," Sheila spoke as she watched the Lotus float away. "It's a what. Ask Chiron, or ask Annabeth to ask him. But when you go up there, everything changes. Once you hear what it says, you're in this for life."

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now