two, annoying newbie

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❝ I'm a witch. I know, scary. ❞

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     Children of Hephaestus possess many qualities. They can be the quickest tinkers and build anything with just a toothpick. Some can even identify any machine and, by extension, feel when one is near them and what it was made with. A rare ability that no child of Hephaestus has had in a hundred years is pyrokinesis, which gives them immunity to fire and total control over it. 

Sheila had been blessed with these abilities at birth, although pyrokinesis had come from her mother's side of the family. To her dismay, she wasn't able to set herself on fire, but still, she could start a fire with only two words. Chiron had warned her never to use this spell unless needed or to start the bonfire since he had seen the damage it could cause. It had bothered Sheila for a long time, but she wasn't as annoyed after learning how to use her other gifts. 

     But if there was one thing Hephaestus's children, and especially Sheila, were not good at, it was healing people or tending wounds. And so, when Chiron demanded that Sheila look after the boy they had found on the Big House's porch the night before, she instantly expressed how bad of an idea it was. The centaur refused to hear any complaints.

Two days had passed since Sheila was forced to tend to the new kid. The chair she was sitting in was beginning to feel uncomfortable, and her back hurt to move. Leaning back, a yawn left Sheila as she prepared an infusion her aunt once said helped wake people up sooner. She lifted the boy's chin when she finished it, letting the liquid filter past his lips. To her delight, he didn't throw it out and swallowed it instead. It surprised her as the taste of the infusion was horrendous. 

     Sea-green stared into golden, the boy's fingers moving. Sheila noticed the slight movement, instantly hovering above him to ensure she hadn't hallucinated it. Relief flooded through her when she saw his eyes were opened and his limbs regaining their strength. 

A few seconds went by in which neither of them talked. Sheila spoke first. "Tell me what will happen at the summer solstice and what was stolen." 

     Her answer was a confused look. "Just answer the question," she urged, glancing at the door.

"What are you talking about?" the boy mumbled. "I don't—"

     A sudden knock on the door startled them both, Sheila accidentally making the boy pass out. She winced, knowing Chiron wouldn't be happy with this. Greeting Will as he took her place in the chair beside the bed, she warned him about the boy's constant drooling and rushed to exit the infirmary.

Satisfaction filled Sheila as the breeze hit her face. Spending two days in a hot room was not made for her, and she respected the Apollo kids who did this as their daily task. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, a smile making its way to her face when Annabeth approached her. They hadn't spoken while Sheila looked after Percy, both too busy with their respective activities. 

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now