four, a Bennett witch

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❝ Hello, Clarisse. ❞

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     To be a demigod is to have hundreds of responsibilities. A demigod cannot afford to push those responsibilities aside, for one mistake can cost them their life. You have to be vigilant. You need to train every day, not only with your weapon of choice but also every other. You have to remain on your guard at all times. If your abilities are considered dangerous, you control them before they control you. To be a demigod is to exchange your freedom for your safety. It is the worst choice to make, yet every child with the blood of Olympus running through their veins has to make it.

Sheila Bennett wished she never did. Freedom was what she valued most, and having to let go of her own physically hurt her. Why obligate a child to lose all sense of freedom before tasting it? It is simply cruel and horrid. It affects the child's mind to be stuck in a life they might not like. Sheila did kind of like her way of living, but if offered a second chance to modify her decision, she would without an ounce of uncertainty.

     And babysitting the new demigod made her want to change her decision now. After a small fire almost burned the Hephaestus cabin to ashes, Chiron punished Sheila in the worst way possible: help Luke help Percy settle in. It was her new responsibility, along with fixing broken swords from the Ares cabin. She had to teach him about the gods and goddesses, show him the different activities offered at Camp, and then find the one he excelled in to figure out who his godly parent was. Easy, Chiron had dared say.

Yet, it turned out it was hard to find where Percy belonged. Sheila didn't want to sound mean, but he sucked at everything. It wasn't even an exaggeration. He could barely hold a bow properly, much less shoot at the right target (Luke's cabinmates didn't appreciate the arrows shot at them). Then, Percy tried foot racing, but he was slower than the wood-nymph instructors, and Sheila laughed when he tripped over his feet more than once. He was even worse at wrestling since Clarisse put him down in less than a second.

     Sheila didn't laugh as much when Percy caused havoc in the forges. Even if every kid in the Hephaestus cabin knew he wasn't their brother, they still had to make sure of it. Percy's trial ended quicker than anyone else as he couldn't even use a hammer correctly. He hit the wrong thing, and a shelf filled with smaller tools collapsed. It was Sheila who had to clean up after him. Luke had kindly offered to help but to say she liked Percy even less was an understatement. She tried to get payback later on while he tried canoeing, but it appeared as if the water didn't want to turn against him. Her mood only deteriorated afterwards.

On Thursday morning, three days after Percy's unfortunate arrival, Sheila found time for herself before going to Percy's first sword-fighting lesson in the afternoon. Usually, if she was alone, Sheila preferred to sit by the lake and watch as butterflies came to life from her hands. However, with the strange clouds forming in the sky, she decided to find the highest tree in the woods and sit in it instead.

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now