author's note

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Hey, it's been a while :)

I'm sorry it took so long for me to come back and post something, but I have quite literally no more time cause of my teachers. I think I wrote only a hundred words this week, at most. And I can't do shit because my boss gives me shitty schedules. 

Anyways, I need your guys' opinion on this because I hope you're as invested as I am in this story. And I'm an indecisive bitch so I can't choose alone...

First of all, Sheila's face claim.

My poor girl has been through a lot of face changes, but I can never figure out who's better for her. I've thought about it for so long, but with the scene packs for edits and all it's a harder choice. I did manage to reduce it to two, which is good!

Sofia Wylie


Storm Reid


Others (any ideas for Hephaestus and Bonnie Bennett's daughter)?

Honestly, both of them are giving me the vibes (maybe y'all don't see it but I do) and I can't choose between them. Storm has barely any scene packs I can find with good quality (if you know any give me insta accounts or youtube accounts please). Sofia Wylie's got the scenes and all, but I'm not totally sure. If you got anyone else with enough scene packs and a good vibe, please let me know.

For older Sheila, I ought of using Chandler Kinney (This is probably the only one I'm a hundred percent sure about).


The second point of this note, I think I'm gonna rewrite this book.

When I started, it was just like that because I was in my PJO phase, but now I got a clearer image of what I want to do and where I want this story to go. For that, I need to change Sheila's godly parent to Hephaestus (this includes a certain fire boy). Also, there are too many grammar mistakes I have to fix. Seriously I think my writing has improved since I started.

That's all I had to say. Please comment here and help me. Even if this is my story, your opinion matters as you're also part of it.

Have a good whatever time it is where you live. 
Hopefully will post soon! 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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