ten, Tunnel of Love

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❝ You're really clever, aren't you? ❞

❝ You're really clever, aren't you? ❞

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     It seemed twelve hours of sleep was what Sheila needed. When she woke up to everyone climbing off the train, her arm hurt less than it did the previous day. She took off the replaced bandage, sighing in relief as no blood dripped down her skin. Annabeth nodded at her, glad to see she was feeling better. She handed Sheila a muffin, and the two waited for fewer people to be on the train before following the boys out.

A silence settled between the four teenagers as they walked away from the station. Sheila made sure no one was after them. Her instincts had been yelling out a warning she couldn't comprehend since she fell from six hundred feet. She had to grip her wrist at some point as it wouldn't stop twitching. The letter Chiron showed her came to mind, but she tried to forget it for now.

     "Let's try to contact Chiron," Annabeth spoke once they were far from the train station. "I want to tell him about your talk with the river spirit. Sheila, you need to tell him about the Chimera, too."

Sheila's head snapped toward Annabeth upon hearing her request. "No, don't tell him. If you do, he'll lecture me about not being careful enough."

     Noticing how anxious Sheila appeared, Percy asked, "We can't use phones, right?"

"I'm not talking about phones," Annabeth retorted.

     She didn't add anything else and continued to walk. They wandered through downtown for approximately half an hour. Sheila would have usually wondered where Annabeth led them, yet her mind was elsewhere. It was stuck in remembering the night she begged herself to erase from all memories. The Chimera had attacked them out of nowhere back then. No one was ready to fight it, much less a seven-year-old demigod with no combat training.

On the Gateway Arch, Sheila had gained control. She proved herself to the monster which used to haunt her. The Chimera had been her greatest shame, and with Percy's semi-help, she defeated it. A part of her felt satisfied to know she had avenged her mother, an eye for an eye. Sheila hoped that, wherever she was, her mother would be proud, too.

     Wiping the sweat off her forehead, the witch sighed in delight. Annabeth had finally stopped walking when they reached an empty car wash. The mountains behind them were long gone from view, as was the baking sun. They veered toward the stall farthest from the street, Sheila cloaking herself and her friends to hide from the patrol cars. She watched Grover taking out the spray gun as Percy asked his usual question.

"It's seventy-five cents," the satyr grumbled. "I've only got two quarters left. Annabeth? Sheila?"

     "Don't look at me." Annabeth shrugged. "The dining car wiped me out."

Sheila searched through her pocket, giving the last quarter she had to Grover. "This should be enough, right?"

     Only when Percy gave Grover his last bit of change did he nod. "Excellent. We could do it with a spray bottle, but the connection isn't as good, and my arm gets tired of pumping."

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now