one, the beginning

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❝ I think there's a body over there. ❞

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     A volcanic eruption threatened the waves, water and fire crashing against one another.

Somehow, her nightmares always began with Nature's two most unpredictable elements trying to prove which was better. An ocean of ravaging waves trying to suppress the flames she danced in while all she could do was stare. Her body would try to surge forward and break this fight she hated, but her feet were never under her command. The tip of her fingers would tingle, an instinct pushing her to defend the flames due to her memory salvaging the knowledge she possessed concerning how this battle ended, and even then, she remained still.

     But while she dreamed on this cold night of June, her nightmare changed its course. First, the fight started, and then it shifted to another scenery she was unfamiliar with. She was on top of a high roof, eyes squinting as a storm brew, and the wind grew stronger. Even from high up, she could spot the ruby-like liquid spilling under battered corpses, echoes of pained screams bouncing in the air. The city fell into rubble, and the girl only watched and listened to the voice speaking in the back of her head. Save them was what it said, but let them die was what it wanted. The girl knew it by its tone.

Moving forward, her being was transported into battle in the middle of the action. A spear appeared in her left hand, telling her wordlessly to cause havoc among the soldiers who tried desperately to survive. She stared at the weapon, her eyes flickering between it and the soldiers. A choice, the voice mentioned. A choice was to be made now.

     In a blink, the girl twirled the spear in her hand and smirked. Flames surrounded her as she ran, the rain pouring down to extinguish her spark. Years of never participating in Nature's fight resulted in her becoming the reason for it. She enraged the storm. She made it worse, and she liked doing so. Her feet jumped up on a car hood and landed behind a warrior she wasn't even sure was the enemy. The spear struck him down, his body lying by the girl's feet. The storm roared, lighting and rain threatening her. It brought a smirk onto her unrecognizable face.

Just as her spear went to strike at a friend or a foe, the voice in her head went mute. From telling her to end everyone, it shut itself. Confusion clouded her mind as she dropped her spear on the ground, her hands clutching her aching head. She stumbled, the storm using this vulnerable moment to attack her with added strength. There wasn't a battle around her anymore, only the sound of lightning crackling.

     A maniac laugh sounded somewhere far away but close enough, the girl's eyes going wide in panic. This wasn't real. It was just another nightmare, she told herself.

"Is it?" a voice asked as if hearing her thoughts. "Or are you losing it? Fire always goes crazy, after all."

     A scream Sheila didn't register as her own made the storm calm down. Flames destroyed the remains of the city, and the girl prayed for it all to cease. She breathed heavily, ignoring how she caused this and focusing on a sudden pain in her chest. Gripping it, she leaned against a car and gasped. Why did everything shift?

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now