fifteen, Percy fights a god

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❝ I... don't want to lose another friend. ❞

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     Getting to the Santa Monica Pier was a nightmare. While Sheila liked the ocean, she liked it when it was far. Now, she was wet from head to toe, a salty taste lingering on her lips. The Coast Guard boat's radio jammed with distress calls, the sound harassing her ears. She still focused on it instead of the boat's motions. The last thing she needed was to get seasick. At least Annabeth let her squeeze her hand as hard as she wanted.

The quartet was dropped off at the Santa Monica Pier with towels around their shoulders and water bottles in hand. They watched as the Coast Guard boat sped off to save other people in need, the four of them sighing in sync. Their clothes were sopping wet, even Percy's, since he knew being dry would have gotten them unwanted attention.

     When Sheila noticed he was also barefoot, she asked him where he had put his shoes. In response, he motioned Grover's hooves hidden by Percy's shoes. Sheila wondered when he had done that and how she hadn't noticed it earlier. Then again, she had been too focused on not puking.

After reaching dry land, they stumbled down the beach. The sunrise would have been beautiful if it wasn't for the city burning against it. Sheila's fingers twitched at the unfamiliar flames she witnessed. They were dancing in a way hers never did as if all they wanted to do was destroy New York.

     "I can't believe it," Annabeth scoffed. "We went all that way—"

"It was a trick," Percy stated. "A strategy worthy of Athena."

     "Hey," Annabeth warned.

He looked at her. "You get it, don't you?"

     She dropped her eyes, her anger fading. "Yeah. I get it."

"Well, I don't!" Grover complained. "Would somebody—"

     Sheila cut him off. "The prophecy. We had to face the god who had turned. We accused the wrong god. It was never Hades. Someone else stole his helm and Zeus' bolt. They planned all this. They blamed Percy because he was Poseidon's child. They knew Zeus would accuse Poseidon and that Hades would too. Whoever did this wanted a war."

Grover shook his head, mystified. "But who would be that sneaky? Who would want war that bad?"

     Percy stopped in his tracks, looking down the beach. "Gee, let me think."

The other three followed his gaze, Sheila groaning at who they spotted. She would have preferred any other god, as long as it wasn't him. Even her father would have been better.

     There Ares was, standing beside his motorcycle as he waited for them. He was in his black leather duster and sunglasses, an aluminium baseball bat propped on his shoulder. His ride rumbled, its headlight turning the sand red. Annabeth had to grab Sheila's hand before the witch could use telekinesis on the baseball bat and knock Ares out.

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now