nine, an old enemy

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❝ Remember me, Bennett witch? ❞

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     Sheila wouldn't recommend spending two days on the Amtrak train. The first eight hours had been fine, and the change of scenery was welcomed. However, past the ninth hour, it bored the girl. Then went twenty-four hours, and then came the two-day mark. Even eating wasn't enough to distract Sheila. She was growing restless. She couldn't even train to blow off some steam as the mortals would ask some questions. Sleeping was also out of the question. Her last dreams made her reluctant to close her eyes. 

There was one interaction with Percy and Annabeth that distracted her. Annabeth had taken a newspaper and noticed Percy on the front page. It said under the picture of the boy holding a blurry sword that his stepfather, Gabe Ugliano, had offered a cash reward for information leading to his capture. Annabeth told Percy there was nothing to worry about as mortals police wouldn't be able to find them, but her unsure tone said the opposite. 

     A little while later, Sheila aimlessly walked around the train. She was hoping to find some secret room, but the only intriguing thing she heard was the conversation between two ladies suspecting their husbands were cheating. It brought a short laugh out of her, though the boredness immediately returned as she joined Percy before a window. He was staring at a family of centaurs galloping in a beautiful field. They were hunting, their bows at the ready. A little boy centaur noticed the demigods and waved at them. 

"They won't see him," Sheila whispered to Percy, who looked around to check if people were watching. "Hiding from humans and tricking them is easy. I do it all the time."

     To support her words, Sheila motioned the ignorant people around them. She then joined Annabeth and Grover, collapsing in the space beside the girl. Taking off her shoes, Sheila crossed her legs and leaned back in her seat. Sleeping was all she could do, yet her eyes refused to stay closed. One sudden sound made them snap open and narrow at her surroundings. It would have been better to be in the sleeper car, but bringing back Gladiola only gave them tickets to Denver.

Percy arrived a few minutes after her, sitting with Grover, who had dozed off. Annabeth followed suit, and soon, Sheila was the only one awake. Apart from the wind against the window, all she heard in the silence were Percy's mutters about someone asking for his help and him refusing. Knowing he must have been in one of his nightmares, Sheila remained quiet. It relieved her to avoid sharing another strange dream with him. Her own was enough to deal with.

     Grover then suddenly snored and bleated repeatedly as his fake foot fell off. Sheila rushed to grab it from under the table, Annabeth and Percy awakening at the commotion. The latter yelped when Sheila threw him the shoe and urged him to put it back on. Once Percy did, the three sighed in relief, though none closed their eyes again.

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now