six, the outside world

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❝ Old ladies scare me now. ❞ 

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     "What in the Hades are you still doing here?"

Sheila cringed as she glanced up at her brother. Charlie looked like her mother when she found out Sheila had eaten all the chocolate in the house. His arms were crossed over his chest, his eyebrows knitted together, and a scowl replaced his usual smirk. This stare earned him the title of the Hepheastus' cabin's counsellor. Anyone would reveal all their secrets if he asked them. 

     Pushing herself up from the ground, Sheila sheepishly grinned. She knew what it looked like for her to hide in the forges and not join the others on top of Half-Blood Hill. Charlie probably thought she wanted to avoid leaving. While it wasn't a lie, she did intend to depart after adding a few more touches to the vehicle in the middle of the forges. One of the Stoll brothers had brought it three days ago, and Sheila hated to leave it to her brothers.

"Just making sure everything is good," she declared. "My bag's done. I said goodbye to everyone and asked Lee for some potions I left in the infirmary. I only needed to come here before joining the others."

     Charlie sighed, one hand falling by his side. "Shei, the forges won't fall apart if you're not here for a few days, and neither will this beauty. You know I'd never let Shane and Jake ruin it. Trust me. You can worry about your quest instead of us."

Sheila stared at him before nodding in defeat. She dusted off her black jeans shorts as Charlie picked up her bag, motioning for the exit. Despite the tightness in her chest, Sheila led the way to the top of Half-Blood Hill. Her eyes scanned everything they witnessed, trying to remember all the details if she was to get homesick and needed to calm herself. Camp Half-Blood wasn't home, but it provided her protection.

     When they reached the top of the hill, Charlie put Sheila's bag aside and embraced her. The girl was taken aback at first, not used to displays of affection from her brother. Usually, he would pat her head or awkwardly side-hug her and not utter a single word, but this time, he chose to show vulnerability. It was a rare occurrence for the Hephaestus cabin's members, though Sheila couldn't deny it felt agreeable. She knew she would miss her brothers a lot during her quest. There was no denying it. 

Charlie's hands settled on Sheila's shoulders as he let her go. He stared at her as if trying his hardest not to break. Sheila assumed that being the oldest brother forced him to carry the burden of worrying too much for all his siblings. Grinning softly at him, she waited for him to speak first. 

     "I know I'm not the best with emotional stuff, but I swear you better not get hurt, Shei," he said. "The monsters out there, they will sense you from miles away. With Percy by your side, the smell will be even stronger. Remember everything Luke taught you and the healing spells you learned with Lee. If you feel like you're losing control, imagine I'm right here with you, but above all, believe in yourself. You've been training hard enough. I believe in you. The quest will be successful. Michael believes it, too." 

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now