seventeen, traitor

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I want to show you how powerful you can become.

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     When Sheila arrived at Half-Blood Hill, her first stop was Thalia's tree. Crouching in front of the flower she grew on one of its roots, she smiled sadly upon hearing the last bit of Thalia's voice she had caught before the daughter of Zeus got turned into a tree. It haunted Sheila every day, as it was a reminder of another person she had lost because she wasn't strong enough. Yet, seeing the healthy tree again made her feel safe.

Whispering to the soul trapped inside the tree that she was finally home, Sheila ran down the hill that separated her from everyone. A wide smile spread on her face as she and Annabeth locked eyes, the latter dropping the conversation she was having with Chiron to reach the witch. They jumped into each other's embrace, relieved to have made it together. Grover joined them, Sheila wrapping her arms around him. Chiron stayed behind the three, the ghost of a smile appearing on his lips when Sheila hugged him next.

     Campers, wondering what the commotion was, rushed toward the group. The Hephaestus cabin was the quickest as they spotted their sister. Shane reached her first, Sheila chuckling and resting her chin on his head as he embraced her. The others didn't even let the girl breathe and crushed her in their arms. Sheila realized this feeling of home she had missed wasn't the camp but her brothers.

"Happy birthday," Charlie told Sheila as they pulled away. "I'm proud of you."

     Before she could thank him, someone lifted her in the air. Sheila yelped, chuckling when she caught sight of Michael behind her. He put her down and wrapped an arm around her shoulders despite being shorter. The other campers approached them, repeating Charlie's words or congratulating Sheila. Even Clarisse, who wasn't one to show anyone affection, clasped a hand on Sheila's shoulder in a way to say she did well. Sheila thanked her with a genuine smile.

Seeing Luke arrive, she left Michael's side and ran into her honorary brother's embrace. He chuckled when she told him they had matching scars. Sheila noticed something off in his gaze but was too happy to be back to mention it.

     Percy returned to Camp later than his three quest companions, all campers cheering for the four new heroes. He informed Chiron, Annabeth, Grover and Sheila that his mother was now safe, the latter giving him a knowing grin.

According to camp tradition, the four had to wear laurel wreaths at a big feast prepared in their honour. There was an ambience Sheila had never witnessed before. It was as if the quest's success brought the campers together. She hoped it would last until summer ended. It would make the bonfires even better.

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now