five, four teens on a quest

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❝ I suppose you have a plan, Butterfly? ❞

❝ I suppose you have a plan, Butterfly? ❞

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     Nature was fighting again, but it felt different this time. The sea wasn't opposing itself to the wildfire from the girl's hands, its waves high against the lightning striking the beach. A city appeared behind her, which she noticed was not New York. Many buildings spread apart as palm trees fought to remain in their current place. The wind increased as Sheila tried to step forward, her feet not moving an inch. They were glued to the sand, her blue Converse soaked in salty water.

Her eyes scanned the dark ocean lying in front of her. It didn't take the girl long to notice two figures down the surf, seemingly fighting rather violently. The second thing she realized was that this storm wasn't caused by Nature but rather by a raging force. A faint golden glow came from her fingertips at the magic surrounding her. Sheila frowned, wonders floating around her head as lightning struck beside her. One step closer, and it would have turned her into ashes.

     Panic started to take over her. She felt her lungs inhaling as much air as permitted, but it wasn't enough to ease her swift heartbeats. Her nightmares were never like this one. She couldn't even move from her dangerous position. One strong wave would pull her to the ocean's deepest parts. One gush of wind would attract the storm to her and swallow her whole. The lack of voice in her throat didn't even allow Sheila to shout out for help or to tell those men to cease fire.

Then, a familiar boy screamed, "Stop fighting!"

     Sheila's head snapped toward the voice's localization. Just as she spotted Percy Jackson running along the beach, one of the two men fighting yelled, "Give it back!" His tone was childish, similar to a child who argued with someone at the playground.

Something was wrong. Percy wasn't supposed to be in Sheila's nightmares. She wasn't even supposed to be in this one. Whatever those two men were fighting over didn't have anything to do with her, and Sheila cursed at the Fates for screwing her over once more. Percy was soon by her side, still shouting at the men to stop arguing. It did nothing. Sheila wondered if he made matters worse as the ground shook underneath their feet.

     A voice she was all too familiar with then spoke, "Come down, little heroes. Come down!"

Then, an abrupt pain made Sheila gasp. It was soft at first, tightening the muscles in her stomach. Percy's words of worry went over her head as she wrapped her arms around herself to ease the pain. Prayers slipped past her lips even though she knew they were useless since the gods could do nothing in the world of sleep. Percy gripped her shoulder when a second earthquake made them stumble, eyes squinting at the figures down the surf.

(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now