one, is it really you?

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❝ Well, I didn't ask for this life, did I? ❞

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     "I want to show you how powerful you can become."

Those words caused a shift in her brain. She looked at the spear in her hand. Its flames reflected her eyes, becoming the sole source of light in the darkness. She stood on a boat offshore, a storm brewing above her. Others were with her, but none of them mattered. Only the two figures battling in the middle of the boat did. Not the fight, but the swords they used to slash at each other.

     She recognized each. One was made with celestial bronze, a small trident drawn in the blade with its name written underneath it. The other was her gift to someone she used to treat like a brother. Its blade was too-faced, and its magic unmatched. She never knew her creation could be turned against her.

"This is the surface of your true potential."

     Glancing at her hands, the girl frowned as golden veins trailed up her arms. A mist of the same colour surrounded her legs, slowly advancing toward three figures hidden behind the fight. Her head tilted in curiosity. True potential, her liar of a brother had said. Forces of higher power had restrained her magic for years. People had called it dangerous in hopes that it would scare her out of using it. It might have been the only truth in everything Kronos' servant had said to the girl.

A scream disrupted her tormenting thoughts. She gripped her head, spear falling to the ground as her knees did. Her body didn't register the impact. It was too focused on the agony spreading from her arms to her heart. Ahead, the fight had momentarily ceased when a tall figure turned into gold. Why did it match her current state? Why could she see herself in the same predicament?

     "You cannot disrupt Fate, little witch," the voice that had haunted her since childhood taunted. "Watch what occurs unfold. Watch as you destroy everything."

She didn't want the voice to win but couldn't do anything else. Her eyes were fixed on herself on the opposite side of the boat. Golden spread to another creature, then the one beside it. If compared, it looked like Medusa's doing. A power she never knew belonged to her.

     "Leave me alone," she spoke through gritted teeth.

His laugh terrorized her. "Sooner or later, little witch, I will own your magic."

     The storm fell upon her, flames bursting to life from her hands. They burned her skin, silencing the boy who tried to bring her back—


(REWRITING) 𝓖𝓸𝓵𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎¹Where stories live. Discover now