Chapter 54

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6 days later

Mer and I were packing for Turks and Caicos. The book that she was reading 6 days ago, yeah I got 5 more books by the same author. I felt like I should read some of them to see what she's into to surprise her with some things. Lately we've been doing the basic missionary positions, nothing too crazy. I like it because it makes us connect more in a way. We finally finished packing and I took all of our bags outside along with the kid's bags. I went back upstairs and Mer was lying in bed.

"I'm exhausted" she said

It was 9pm.

"Me too" I sighed laying next to her

"We're dropping the kids off at 7" I said

"At least we packed so we don't have to wake up real early" she mumbled

"Yeah go to sleep we need rest" I smiled leaning down.

I kissed her lips. I laid next to her and went to sleep. My alarm woke me up at 5:30am. I turned it off and got up. I took my pajamas off and changed into my regular clothes. I went over to mer.

"Mer wake up" I whispered

"Mmm" she mumbled

"Get ready. We have to leave soon" I said kissing her cheek

She turned her head and started kissing my lips. I deepened the kiss. A couple seconds later I pulled away.

"I would love to finish this, but we'll be late" I whispered

"Okay" she sighed moving the blanket off of her

She got up. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I went to Baileys room and woke him up. He started getting ready. Ellis slept in Zola's room last night. I woke them up. I went to Lexie and started changing her. I got her ready. I brushed her teeth and put her onto the ground.

"Hey go to your mommy" I said

I handed her a little bear and she started giggling. She left the room. I went into Haley's room and changed her. I put her into a yellow onesie. It was pretty cold today. I grabbed a jacket and put it onto her. I walked out of the room and heard Mer talking to the kids downstairs. I walked down with Lexie in my arms. Mer was feeding the kids waffles.

"Okay guys we don't have much time" I said

I walked over to mer and kissed her lips

"How's my little girl" she smiled holding her hands out

I handed her Haley

"Hungry" I smiled

She kissed my lips and left with Haley to the bathroom. The kids were eating and drinking their apple juice. Mer walked out of the bathroom and she looked so beautiful. She walked next to me and I walked behind her. I wrapped my arms around her stomach. I took in the amazing scent of her and she rested her head into my chest. The kids were finally done eating and I kissed her cheek. I let go of her and went to the kids

"Alright guys let's go to the car" I said

They all left the house. Mer left with Haley and I quickly cleaned the dishes. I walked out of the house and got into the car. Mer drove us to Amelia's. I walked the kids to her door and held Haley in her carrier. I knocked on the door and a couple seconds later Amelia opened.

"Hey Amy" I said

"Hey kids go inside. Make yourselves at home" she smiled

The kids ran inside. I handed her Haley. I bent down and started talking to her. She was sleeping.

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