Chapter 2 - Harriet's Heat

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Three days later, when Harriet woke with her cheeks flushed scarlet and low cramps rolling through her abdomen, Severus sent an owl to Hogwarts informing the headmaster that a substitute would need to be found for potions classes that week. Harriet's friend, Hermione Granger, came to the Snapes' home an hour later to collect Albus, but the little boy was hesitant to leave.

Snuggled up in Harruet's nest, with his head against his mother and her arms wrapped around him, Albus frowned as Hermione knelt down in front of them.

"Mummy and Daddy will see you again soon." Harriet whispered to her son, kissing the top of his black-haired head.

"You and Scorpius are best friends, Albus! You two are going to have loads of fun together!" Hermione urged him with a kind smile.

Albus pouted at Hermione as he asked, ".........Promise?"

"I promise." Hermione replied honestly, keeping her smile, "Your mummy doesn't feel well.....But your Daddy can help her feel better if you come and play with Scorpius. What do you think, Albus? Can you help your Daddy take care of your mummy?"

"......Mummy will be alright?" Albus asked.

He was excited about the prospect of spending a week playing with his best mate, Scorpius Malfoy, but he still was not convinced that letting his suffering mother out of his watchful gaze was a good idea.

"Mummy will be fine, sweetheart." Harriet reassured Albus. Placing another kiss on the top of his head, she patted his back and urged him to get up, "Go on, have fun."

"Alright, Mummy." Albus murmured, giving Harriet one last, squeezing hug before he crawled out of his mother's embrace and stood to take Hermione's hand.

Hermione chatted with the small boy about all of the fun things he and Scorpius would get to do while they left the room, walked down the stairs, and headed out of the house.

As Hermione went to open the door, a shiver crept up her spine.

She could feel a set of eyes watching her and Albus.

An almost unnerving tension hung in the air that Albus was still too young to notice......

From where he sat in the shadowy corner of the living room, Hermione heard the alpha gnashing his teeth, impatient for them to just get out.

Severus Snape may not have been her mate, but as an omega like Harriet, Hermione could sense an alpha ready to rut.

The door closed as she and Albus left and in one smooth motion, Severus stood from his chair in the living room.

Upstairs in her nest, Harriet whimpered, lamenting the loss of her baby and the deprivation of being without her alpha.

All the way downstairs, Severus could smell the pheromones his bride released and they beckoned him to her, forcing him to swallow the saliva that gathered in his mouth like a hungry wolf.

Without hardly making a sound, Severus glided out of the living room and swept up the stairs.


Harriet's body burned, enraged at being blatantly ignored.

Unable to tolerate the sensation of fabric scraping against her skin, knowing that she was in the house alone with her alpha, Harriet wriggled out of her clothes and threw them to the side, writhing uncomfortably in her nest.

Harriet was still squirming when a familiar, comforting scent filled the room and she forced her eyes to focus as a tall, dark figure came to stand next to her nest.

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