Chapter 26 - Expanding the Nest

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Life was easier and much more comfortable for Harriet in the farmhouse than she had anticipated since Severus had taken away the stress of moving and given her a constant reminder of himself.

Darby continued to be a great help to the Snape family and Harriet was very grateful for her friend's assistance.

Late pregnancy with twins was difficult on its own, but Harriet wondered if the complications she had endured weakened her body further?

There were some days where Harriet barely had the energy to leave her nest.

There were days where she struggled to keep her eyes open long enough to chat with Albus and eat her meals.

Each night, when Severus came home, he eagerly gave his wife a very gentle massage.

Careful not to move his hands briskly enough to cause any harm, Severus's skilled fingers worked to relax the tensed muscles from the nape of Harriet's neck all the way down to the soles of her feet.

Harriet's back was so sore and her belly was so round that Severus's touch became her favorite part of her evenings.

Each night, once Severus finished, Harriet was in such a deep state of relaxation that her eyelids would flutter.

Then she'd feel her alpha move behind her to pull her against his chest.

Each night, when Harriet was lulled to sleep by Severus's tender attention, the last thing she would hear was his heartbeat, and the last thing she would feel was the gentle kiss that he pressed to her forehead.


In the final month before the twins were scheduled to arrive, Severus reduced his working hours at Hogwarts.

He still maintained a strong presence at the castle, but at his office, he did only what was absolutely necessary each day and then went straight home.

There were already several issues on Severus's agenda that he hoped to address during his time as headmaster, but those matters could wait.

He and Harriet had been warned by their midwife and the team of healers at St. Mungo's that the twins could very well come early and Severus had no desire to spend long amounts of time apart from his expectant mate's side.

With or without Severus nearby though, Harriet seemed very reluctant to leave her nest, even to position the things in the twins' nursery that Severus and Darby had busily decorated since the family's move.

So then, it was a surprise to Severus one morning when Harriet turned to look at him and declared, "I want to go home."

Severus blinked over at Harriet from where he sat at her side and replied, "We are home, my love."

"No." Harriet huffed, "I mean, I want to visit our home, the one where Albus and Lily were born."

"We're going to rent that to a tenant, remember?" Severus asked as he bent his head and stole a kiss from Harriet's pink lips.

"I remember you telling me that you never found a renter." Harriet said, not willing to let the issue drop.

"And you haven't asked me if that's changed......." Severus replied.

"If it has, then I want to go and meet who's living in our house." Harriet said defiantly, "If it hasn't, then I want to go and see it for myself."

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