Chapter 27 - Twins

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Before Harriet had a chance to think or feel, Severus grabbed her hand and quickly apparated them both back to the farmhouse.

Harriet gasped as Severus hastily brought her to her nest, laid her down on the purple blankets, and rummaged around the room to gather a few things that they would need over the next few days.

"What are you doing?" Harriet asked Severus as she settled back against the pillows and waited for the pain that she knew would inevitably come.

"I'm preparing our bag so that we may go to St. Mungo's and get where you need to be." Severus tensely replied.

On the outside, he kept his look of steely, steady calm, but Harriet saw the slight way that her husband's usually steady hands trembled.

She smiled at the fact that even her alpha, stoic, level-headed Severus still became nervous when a new baby was on the way, especially two new babies.

"I already am where I need to be, Sev." Harriet replied calmly.

Severus's black hair hung in front of his pale face as he turned towards his wife with his brow furrowed.

Harriet blinked back at him and laid a hand on top of her mounded belly.

"The twins can't be born here." Severus told Harriet flatly, "It isn't safe here."

Harriet scoffed at her alpha and laid her head back as he frantically finished packing a leather satchel with their essentials while she spoke, "It's perfectly safe here. Lily and Albus were born at home, this is our home now......and this is where the twins will meet us."

It wasn't that Severus didn't want to honor his mate's wishes.

Due to the complications Harriet had experienced earlier in her pregnancy, Severus heeded the words of warning that the healers at St. Mungo's had provided.

He wanted to take his omega to a more controlled environment for the birth.

Severus frowned as he fastened their bag and started to speak, "I'm going to tell Darby to watch over the children while we're-"

Severus's statement was interrupted when he was cut off suddenly by a pained whimper from Harriet.

He whirled around and swept over to her side in such a haste that a few strands of her hair rustled in the breeze caused by his motion.

Already a father of two, Severus knew that Harriet was having a contraction from the way her eyes were squeezed shut and the rigid posture in which she held herself.

"Breathe, my love....." Severus whispered.

His low voice was calm but there was a clear undertone of concerned urgency in his words that seemed to reverberate off of the hard cramp that wrapped around Harriet's back and belly as she sucked in a hasty breath.

"Breathe......" Severus repeated in a gentle purr while he slipped his hand into Harriet's and watched as she arched her back with a groan.

The pain passed quickly, but Severus continued to watch Harriet cautiously after her face relaxed and her strong grip on his hand loosened, "I'm surprised the pains didn't start before your waters broke. As I was saying, I'll let Darby know we're leaving for St. Mungo's, then we'll be on our way."

"I'm St. Mungo's." Harriet hissed through grit teeth while she shifted around in her nest in a futile attempt to get comfortable.

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