Chapter 10 - Love, Unbroken

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When Lily Snape had completed her first month of life, Hermione and Scorpius stopped by the Snapes' home to meet the baby and present her with a soft rattle as a gift. Severus had reluctantly let them in, but Harriet was elated to visit with her friend and show off her new daughter while their boys played at their feet.

"She's beautiful, Harriet." Hermione declared with a soft smile as she sat in the Snapes' living room, looking down at the little, red-headed baby in her arms. Harriet beamed proudly as she sat beside her.

"You could have come sooner, Hermione." Harriet smiled, glancing over at her alpha who lurked in the living room doorway.

Severus stubbornly stayed close by, watching over the omegas and the children with a scowl.

Harriet glanced over at Severus with a grin as she added,"He doesn't bite."

Hermione and Harriet shared a quiet giggle while Severus looked at Harriet and smirked to himself as he thought, Not often.....unless it's you, my love~.

"I wanted to give you all some time." Hermione explained, "She is lovely, Harriet. You both should be very proud."

"Thank you." Harriet said with a polite nod, "Do you and....Draco...have any plans to give Scorpius a sibling?"

"Oh, no!" Hermione laughed in amusement, "I think two only children are best suited for an only child."

Harriet blinked as Hermione realized what she had just implied.

Harriet and Severus were both only children too.....

"I meant.....for me and Draco, anyway." Hermione said quickly, trying to change the subject off of her faux paus, "How are you feeling? Any better? I felt like you must have been a bit out of sorts the last time you wrote to me."

"Oh, I'm doing much better." Harriet nodded, "Lily mostly sleeps through the nights now, which I think is surprising. We had problems with her feeding at first, but that's been handled. We're all getting on a routine, finally. You know how it comes together."

Harriet was being honest.

Lily was slowly becoming less demanding and as a result, Harriet was recovering her strength and energy nicely.

Harriet looked better.

Harriet felt better.

Her breasts were no longer engorged. If they threatened to overfill and Lily could not take what Harriet supplied, then Severus promptly and gladly stepped in and assisted. Although with each passing day that he and Harriet had to remain chaste, maintaining control of his primitive urges was becoming more and more difficult for the frustrated alpha.

Severus missed intimate contact with his mate dearly.

For Harriet, her feeling was mutual.

"Thank you for all the help you've given us, Hermione. You and Scorpius have both been very kind." Harriet said to her guest with a genuine smile.

Harriet loved her family, but after an entire month of solitude with only her alpha, her infant, and her energetic five-year-old, it delighted Harriet to spend a morning in the company of a friend who was also an omega and a mother.

"Of course, Harriet." Hermione replied with a smile, "That's what friends are for."

The two women turned and watched Scorpius and Albus play with their toys together on the floor.

Hermione and Harriet both smiled at their sons. The two young children were completely oblivious to anything or anyone else in the room besides the happenings of their combined imaginations.

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