Chapter 24 - Severus's Wish

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Severus was so worried about Harriet that as soon as he landed in the living room with Darby, Albus, and Lily, he rushed up the stairs, leaving the house elf and the children to follow behind him.

The terrified alpha glided down the hallway in a swirling swoop of billowing, black robes.

Hastily, he came charging through the doorway of the bedroom that he shared with Harriet.

Severus could smell the scent of pain in the hormones his mate was releasing before he ever laid eyes on her, but when he did spy his wife writhing in her nest, his dark eyes narrowed to slits.

"Se.....Severus!" Harriet gasped as she looked over and saw her husband standing there, staring down at her.

With a great flourish of rippling fabric, Severus knelt down at Harriet's side and looked her over worriedly as he placed his hands on her swollen belly.

"What's the matter? What's happened?" Severus asked urgently in his low rumble of a voice while he tried to determine what had gone so wrong so quickly with his darling's pregnancy.

Everything had been fine that morning when he left for work.

Harriet had seemed to be feeling well and doing great.

The children had been excited about moving.

Darby had been as friendly and as helpful as usual.

"I.......I was.....packing and then....." Harriet paused to swallow and close her eyes for a moment. Severus clenched his jaw as he stared at her and listened to her whimper, ".......I....I started having.... pain."

Harriet groaned and Severus gently pressed his fingers down against her tightening womb.

When Harriet's alpha felt the tension in her abdomen, he immediately pulled out his wand and quickly murmured under his breath to summon the midwife.

"You're having contractions." Severus concluded and Harriet whined at his words as if they were a spiteful insult.

"N-No.....I can''s too early!" Harriet gasped.

"The midwife will be here shortly, my love." Severus comforted her in a low whisper, "I'm right beside you, there's no need to be frightened."

He spoke soothingly to Harriet although, truthfully, he was just as horrified as his mate.

Severus was so consumed by looking after his wife and their unborn twins that he hadn't even noticed Darby, Albus, and Lily had caught up with him. The small trio stood in the doorway and looked over his shoulder at Harriet with worried frowns.

"It's too early, Severus!" Harriet cried again as she threw her head back and thrashed around in the mound of chenille blankets.

"Calm yourself." Severus firmly directed Harriet.

His voice was still smooth and even but his cadence carried the soft, authoritative tone that only alphas could use to soothe their omegas.

Harriet needed a professional opinion, but whatever the cause of her plight was, Severus knew that getting upset would only make it worse.

"Roll onto your side." Severus commanded.

Harriet heaved for breath but she groaned and did as her husband ordered, with his careful assistance.

Once she was situated, Severus turned towards his children and Darby just as the midwife apparated into the room.

Severus didn't often address Darby directly, so saying her name so plainly felt a bit odd to him as he looked at the house elf and ordered, "Darby."

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