Chapter 12 - In Professor Snape's Office

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Spending over a decade working as a spy had given Severus the ability to hide his true emotions, no matter how strong or bothersome they became. Not since Voldemort's defeat had Severus needed to utilize that skill as much as he did while he finished his class's lesson while his omega was just meters away, going into heat as she waited for him in his office.

Professor Snape's young students suspected nothing as he eyed them with his usual, dark glare.

They thought he was clenching his jaw out of irritation with them and their questions.

The students assumed that his face was drawn into a tight scowl from concentration.

Professor Snape's students had no idea that their stoic and proper teacher was really counting the seconds until he could dismiss them, dash into his office, and sink into Harriet.

Sweat dripped down the back of Severus's neck as he stood calmly at the front of the room once the hour finally bottomed out and his students began to clean up their tables.

"Remember to hand in your essays by the end of the period on Thursday." Professor Snape drawled, his deep voice as low and languid as ever, "No late submittals will be accepted."

The students nodded quietly at their Potions Professor in between packing up.

It was three minutes until dismissal.

That was the only thing the students found odd, Severus's silence as they rummaged around.

It was no secret that Professor Snape strongly discouraged anyone from making early preparations to leave his classroom.

Why didn't he demand that they stop?

The children had no idea why, but Severus was too focused on trying to keep himself steady and wrapped in his robes to worry much about what his students were thinking.

Two minutes to dismissal.

Cauldrons clanked as they were put away, parchment rustled, bags fastened.....everyone was practically waiting for Professor Snape to say something in protest or passive aggressive snark, but when he remained silent, the students all frowned.

Even from her hidden position inside Severus's office, Harriet was involuntarily releasing a specific combination of pheromones that were enough to drive her husband insane.

Harriet's tempting scent was even stronger at the front of the classroom, which was where Severus found himself forced to stand.

One minute to dismissal.

"Professor Snape?" One Ravenclaw girl asked, raising her hand, "Are you alright, sir?"

Severus was keeping his face tranquil but as he continued to fight off the urge to abandon his students and race to his wife's side, his breath became suspiciously labored.

"I'm perfectly fine, Miss Langley." Severus replied with a nod.

The time for dismissal mercifully arrived.

"Go on, all of you. Don't dawdle in the corridors, it does not make a good impression to be late to any class." Severus hissed in his low voice.

No Hogwarts student had to be told twice to leave Professor Snape's room.

In a relieving flurry, Severus's students hopped to their feet and practically pushed each other out of the way to file out of the dungeon classroom.

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