Chapter 17 - Growing Pains

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The anti-nausea potion that Severus happily brewed for his suffering omega did relieve her digestive discomforts, but even once the violent upset caused by Harriet's condition had settled, her mind remained as tumultuous as her insides had been.

With his mate's approval, Severus accepted the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts.

He would assume his new role and his new salary well before the twins arrived. That was lovely, but what were he and Harriet supposed to do about everything else?

The Snapes' house was simple, it only had three little bedrooms, one bathroom, a small living area, and a kitchen with a dining table.

Harriet and Severus occupied one bedroom, Albus was in another, and Lily had taken the third.

Harriet wondered where they were going to put their new babies? If the twins were girls, she supposed they could share Lily's room, or if they were boys, they could share Albus's.

Would that arrangement really work until the Snape children reached adulthood?

How difficult would it be to run back and forth between rooms to tend to three babies?

Lily would be little over a year old when her new siblings came into the family. She would still need constant care, feedings, and her diapers changed.

As Harriet lay snuggled in her nest one evening, waiting for Severus to come to bed after he finished grading a handful of exams, she frowned to herself.

Harriet and Severus had bought their small cottage shortly after they had married. Albus and Lily had been born in the Snapes' humble dwelling, in their parents' bedroom.

The house she shared with Severus was the only place that Harriet had ever considered home besides Hogwarts.

The omega had no desire to leave her residence in favor of another.

However, as Harriet shifted in her nest and laid a hand gently on her flat belly, she drew in a deep breath.

She didn't see how her growing family was going to fit in the small property for years to come, not unless she and Severus intended on stacking the twins in a closet.


The dilemma of the living space remained but as Harriet's pregnancy became more obvious, Severus often himself distracted by his beautiful omega.

His usual protectiveness was nothing compared to the way he acted around Harriet during her third pregnancy. The tall alpha was driven by instinct and motivated by his love for his wife. With two in her belly, Harriet smelled twice as sweet as she had when she carried Albus and Lily. Her scent alone made Severus twice as worried, twice as cautious, twice as doting, and twice as loving towards his mate.

Severus and Harriet decided to discuss the twins with Albus before Harriet started to show. The little boy was nearly as excited as his father had been, especially when his parents informed him that he could end up with two little brothers.

To Severus's great pleasure, by the time Harriet was twelve weeks along, she already had a subtle but very definite curve to her belly that hinted at the little ones inside.

Severus constantly loomed over his wife, like a worried bat. He was careful to observe and note how she felt, how her complexion looked, if she had consumed enough water, what she had eaten that day.........Every night, once he and Harriet crawled into her nest to sleep beside each other, Severus covered her in soft kisses of loving approval and gentle encouragement.

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