Chapter 13 - The Struggles of Domesticity

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Despite the way her limbs trembled and her head pounded, Harriet managed to apparate home.

As soon as she appeared in the living room, pale and clutching her side, Hermione's eyes widened in immediate concern for her friend.

"Harriet! Goodness!........What's wrong? What's the matter?!" Hermione gasped, quickly standing with Lily in her arms to rush over to the pained omega.

"I'm......I'm having some.....trouble, Hermione." Harriet sighed as she sank down on the sofa.

Albus blinked over at Harriet from where he sat playing with Scorpius and asked worriedly, "........Mummy?"

"Play with Scorpius, sweetheart." Harriet nodded to her son, forcing a pleasant smile on her fair face, trying to hide the sheen of sweat that covered her skin.

"We've got to get you in bed." Hermione said with a frown. Gently, the brown-haired Gryffindor pressed her hand to the back of Harriet's forehead and the warmth that radiated from her flesh, "You're burning up! Do you feel ill? Do you have a sore throat? Chills?"

"It's not that kind of fever, Hermione." Harriet whispered.

Hermione frowned for a moment and then she looked at Harriet in shock.

"Harriet!" Hermione exclaimed.

"What?" Harriet asked as she threw Hermione a frown.

Did Hermione know something that she didn't?

Harriet had to admit, she was a little surprised that as another omega, Hermione couldn't detect her true issue. Normally, one omega had no problems sensing when another was in heat.

"Are you not....on anything?" Hermione asked Harriet incredulously.

Harriet gave Hermione a look of utter confusion as she blinked, "No.........Sorry? What is it that I'm meant to be 'on'?"

Hermione turned away and stared over at their little sons playing together as she cleared her throat and spoke, "Albus, I'm going to take your mummy upstairs, alright? I'll be back in a moment. Scorpius? Are you listening? You two are not to leave this room, understand?"

"Alright." Albus agreed.

"Alright, mother." Scorpius called over to Hermione, too fascinated by the blocks he was playing with to look over.

"Come on Harriet, let's go." Hermione said quietly to her friend as she helped her up.

Harriet shakily held onto Hermione and followed her upstairs, careful not to whimper too loudly and startle baby Lily.

As soon as they reached her bedroom, Harriet began to rummage around and set up her nest. While Harriet busied herself, Hermione watched in concern from the doorway, holding Lily.

"I can't believe how careless you've been, Harriet!" Hermione chastised.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Hermione." Harriet huffed, shivering in the chill of the cool room as she took off the clothes she had visited Severus in and changed into one of his nightshirts.

If Harriet couldn't have her mate there with her, at least she could smell him.

That was better than nothing.

"Pills, Harriet!" Hermione gasped. In her arms, Lily started to whine. Hermione glanced down at the baby girl and bounced her very tenderly while Harriet settled in, "You can buy them in any of the health shops in Diagon Alley, or from a healer directly. I take one every day. They really help. I haven't gone through a heat since Scorpius was born."

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