Chapter 20 - Dumbledore's Party

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Harriet bought her custom-made dress robes and took them home to hide them from her alpha.

She wanted it to be a surprise for Severus, especially since it was only on rare occasions that she dressed up. Not that Severus particularly minded what his omega wore, his favorite outfit of Harriet's was the one in which she had been born.

Still, Harriet thought that seeing her unexpectedly in something new may be a pleasant surprise for him.

On the evening of Dumbledore's retirement party, Severus stood downstairs. He was very busy going over instructions with Darby on how to care for the children, which was unnecessary, because in the few short weeks that the talented house elf had been with the family, she had already memorized Albus's and Lily's daily routines.

Upstairs, Harriet was taking her time preparing for the evening.

She pulled her new dress robes on, curled her red hair in loose, teasing waves, and bent over the dresser mirror while she placed just a touch of rogue on her cheeks and lips.

When she was finished, Harriet pulled away and looked at her reflection for a moment.

She smiled as she imagined what Severus's expression would be when he saw her.

Harriet placed a few things that she may need in her pockets and left the bedroom. As she approached the staircase, she could hear Severus's low rumble of a voice as he spoke with Darby and the children.

Harriet felt her heart flutter in anticipation as she placed her hand on the bannister and slowly began her walk down.........


Severus was holding Lily on his lap and finishing his discussion with Darby when Harriet made it to the landing. Bored by his father's dull conversation, Albus happened to look over when he heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

His eyes lit up as he spied Harriet and happily announced to everyone, "Mummy's wearing her princess dress again!"

Lily turned her little head in Severus's arms as he and Darby looked over in the direction that Albus was staring.

Darby smiled knowingly, having already seen her mistress's lovely, new outfit.

Severus was in shock.

His black eyes widened and his mouth fell open as he stared at his beautiful mate.

Harriet raised her eyebrows jokingly at her husband while he rose, handed Lily carefully to Darby, and approached her in silent awe.

Once Severus stood in front of her, Harriet smiled softly as her alpha lifted his hands and deftly touched the fabric on her sleeves.

His hands slid over the velvet panels of her new dress robes and he didn't miss the opportunity to gently rub her belly~.

"Do you like them?" Harriet asked Severus as he drank in the visage of her standing there looking like a living portrait.

Harriet tried not to blush in front of her children and Darby as she felt her alpha's heated gaze bore into her. Severus was devouring her with his eyes from the loose, red waves of her hair to her subtle curves, which the rich fabric and tight lacing of her robes highlighted.

"............Yes." Severus replied in his low voice that was barely above a whisper as he focused on her pale throat and the swells of her creamy cleavage.

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